

Guideline for Advanced Diagnostic and Therapeutic Flexible Bronchoscopy in Adults
来源:MDC 2011-12-26 09:32 点击次数:382发表评论

Interventional bronchoscopy has rapidly evolved in recent years.The field includes the use of more complex diagnostic procedures such as endobronchial ultrasound, the use of bronchoscopic interventions for the relief of central airway obstruction (CAO) due to malignancy and, more recently, the development of therapeutic interventions for non-malignant disease.1 Many practitioners may feel that this is a highly specialist field and that the techniques are experimental, only for tertiary centres. Perhaps they feel that they do not have the expertise to undertake these procedures. The fact is that some of these techniques such as transbronchial needle aspiration (TBNA) really should be part of every bronchoscopist’s practice. Others such as endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) are rapidly becoming standard practice and should be available to all patients, and some such as bronchial thermoplasty and airway valves are yet to establish their role in routine practice. There are also a large variety of methods of tumour debulking, and it is clearly not easy for a practitioner outside the field to know what are the indications, contraindications, potential benefits and complications of each technique, or which technique to consider learning. This guideline therefore aims to help all those who undertake flexible bronchoscopy to understand more about this important and rapidly developing area.

学科代码:内科学 呼吸病学 肿瘤学   关键词:纤维支气管镜
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