

Diagnosis and Management of Resistant Hypertension
来源:PracticeUpdate 2014-10-11 09:05点击次数:3932发表评论





加拿大心脏研究中心主管 Peter Lin 博士

有时患者并未达到其目标血压我们就放松了警惕。这篇文章提醒我们,应该让患者达到目标血压,未能达到降压目标的患者可能患有难治性高血压。难治性高血压是指使用3种或3种以上药物(其中包含一种利尿剂在内)治疗仍不能达到降压目标(140/90 mmHg)。我们当中有很多人均遇到过符合此定义的患者。






This report reviews strategies for controlling resistant hypertension, when blood pressure remains elevated after treatment with three or more antihypertensive agents. Initial agents to consider are thiazide diuretics. Others are calcium channel blockers and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors. Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists, such as eplerenone and spironolactone, increasingly have shown effectiveness. Treating secondary causes of resistant hypertension, including obstructive sleep apnea or primary aldosteronism, can improve blood pressure.

Therapy choices for resistant hypertension should depend not only on efficacy, but also on incremental cost, drug adverse effects, and potential cardiovascular benefits.

Expert Comment

Often we get complacent with our patients who are not at their blood pressure target. This article reminds us that we should get patients to target and that those patients who cannot get to target might have resistant hypertension. Resistant hypertension is blood pressure that is not at target (140/90 mmHg) with treatment with three or more drugs, one of which is a diuretic. Many of us have patients who would fit this definition.

However before, determining that a patient has resistant hypertension, we should look for non-adherence, white coat hypertension, and high salt intake. Each of these may make patients seem resistant when, in fact, they are not. Although not mentioned in this article, some researchers have indicated that generic medications are a possible contributor to uncontrolled blood pressure. This is most obvious when patients’ blood pressure rises when they get a new generic medication.

Once we have convinced ourselves that none of those possibilities are at play, we need to look for secondary causes of hypertension. Sleep apnea is very common in hypertensive patients (30%) but is even more common in patients with resistant hypertension (60%), and this should be investigated. CPAP usage has had dramatic effects on some patients’ blood pressure. Low potassium would indicate possible hyperaldosteronism, and renal artery stenosis is more common in patients who are treatment-resistant as well. So, all of these conditions should be considered for the truly resistant patients.

The article also points out that ACE inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, and diuretics are good strategies for our patients, and, as a fourth possibility, an agent that blocks aldosterone, such as spironolactone, should be considered.

If your patient’s blood pressure is not at target, correct the simple things, like non-adherence issues, put patients on a good combination of medications, and do the appropriate investigations to look for secondary causes of hypertension.

JAMA : The Journal of the American Medical Association

Resistant Hypertension: A Review of Diagnosis and Management

JAMA 2014 Jun 04;311(21)2216-2224, W Vongpatanasin

This abstract is available on the publisher's site.

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Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


学科代码:心血管病学 神经病学   关键词:高血压;
来源: PracticeUpdate
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