

Prolonged monitoring found best for detecting AF after cryptogenic stroke
2014-06-27 15:44点击次数:1512发表评论


Dr. David J. Gladstone

在第1项研究中,加拿大多伦多大学神经科的David J. Gladstone医生及其同事使用非侵入性动态心电图(ECG)对572例刚发生缺血性卒中或TIA的患者(平均72岁,范围52~96岁)的心律进行了为期30天的跟踪监测。综合评估(通常包括常规24小时Holter监测)未能识别任何AF和卒中或TIA事件的其他原因,因此将卒中或TIA事件归类为隐源性。在加拿大的16个卒中中心,这些患者在3年内随机接受长期ECG监测干预(287例患者)或接受额外1轮的24小时Holter监测(285例对照者),以期检出隐匿性AF。结果显示,长期ECG监测检出AF的能力更高,该方法在16.1%的患者中检出至少1次AF发作,而对照组仅3.2%的患者被检出至少1次AF发作。长期监测检出持续2.5 min至数小时的连续性AF的能力也更高,该组此类AF的检出率为9.9%,而对照组仅为2.5%(N. Engl. J. Med. 2014 June 26 [doi:10.1056/NEJMoa1311376])。


在第2项研究中,罗马圣心天主教大学心脏病研究所的Tommaso Sanna医生及其同事在新近发生隐源性缺血性卒中或TIA的441例患者(平均61.5岁)中对常规随访与使用植入式心脏监测仪(ICM)的心律监测进行了比较。ICM可自动检测和记录AF,不管心率或症状如何。对照组患者在预定和未预定的访视时接受评估,进行ECG监测与否由研究者自行决定。

结果显示,6个月时,被随机分入研究干预组的221例患者的AF检出率为8.9%,而220例对照者中的AF检出率仅为1.4%。12个月时,两组的AF检出率分别为12.4%和2.0%。在根据年龄、性别、人种/族裔、索引事件类别、有无卵圆孔未闭和CHADS评分划分的所有亚组患者中均一致观察到这一检出率方面的差异(N. Engl. J. Med. 2014 June 26 [doi:10.1056/NEJMoa1313600])。




Dr. Hooman Kamel



纽约康奈尔大学神经科的Hooman Kamel医生表示,这两项研究的结果表明,长期心律监测应现在就成为隐源性卒中患者的标准治疗的一部分。大部分隐源性卒中或TIA患者应接受至少数周的心律监测。相对便宜的外部循环记录仪(如第1项研究中使用的记录仪)可能具有较好的成本效益;而较贵的植入式循环记录仪的价值尚不太明确(N. Engl. J. Med. 2014 June 26 [doi:10.1056/NEJMe1405046])。

By: MARY ANN MOON, Cardiology News Digital Network

Extended monitoring of heart rhythm detected paroxysmal atrial fibrillation in patients who had previously had a "cryptogenic" stroke or transient ischemic attack at significantly higher rates than did conventional methods in two separate, randomized studies published June 26 in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Revealing the occult atrial fibrillation (AF) is critical because stroke survivors whose AF is unrecognized typically receive antiplatelet therapy for secondary prevention, which is inferior to the anticoagulation treatment given for clinically apparent AF, both groups of researchers said.

At 16 stroke centers across Canada, these patients were randomly assigned during a 3-year period to either the prolonged ECG monitoring intervention (287 patients) or to one additional round of 24-hour Holter monitoring (285 control subjects) in the hope of detecting occult AF. The extended ECG monitoring proved superior, detecting at least one episode of AF in 16.1% of patients, compared with only 3.2% in the control group. The extended monitoring also was superior at detecting continuous AF lasting from 2.5 minutes to many hours, which was found in 9.9% of the intervention group vs. only 2.5% of the control group, the investigators reported (N. Engl. J. Med. 2014 June 26 [doi:10.1056/NEJMoa1311376]).In one study, investigators used noninvasive ambulatory ECG monitoring to track heart rhythm for 30 days in 572 patients aged 52-96 years (mean age, 72 years) soon after they had an ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA). Comprehensive evaluations, typically including the conventional 24-hour session of Holter monitoring, failed to identify any AF or other cause of the event, so it was classified as cryptogenic, said Dr. David J. Gladstone of the division of neurology, University of Toronto, and coleader of the University of Toronto Stroke Program, and his associates.

The prolonged monitoring "nearly doubled the proportion of patients who subsequently received anticoagulant therapy for secondary prevention of stroke – a finding we interpret as a clinically meaningful change in treatment that has the potential to avert recurrent strokes," Dr. Gladstone and his associates wrote.

"We think that the common practice of relying on 24-48 hours of monitoring for AF after a stroke or TIA of undetermined cause is insufficient and consider it an initial screen rather than a final test, especially given our finding that the yield of clinical follow-up alone as a means of detecting AF was negligible," they added.

In the other study, conventional follow-up was compared against heart rhythm monitoring using an insertable cardiac monitor (ICM) in 441 patients (mean age, 61.5 years) who recently had an ischemic stroke or TIA classified as cryptogenic. The ICM automatically detected and recorded AF, irrespective of heart rate or symptoms. Patients in the control group "underwent assessment at scheduled and unscheduled visits, with ECG monitoring performed at the discretion of the site investigator," said Dr. Tommaso Sanna of the Institute of Cardiology, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome, and his associates.

At 6 months, AF was detected in 8.9% of the 221 participants randomly assigned to the study intervention, compared with only 1.4% of the 220 control subjects. At 12 months, the AF detection rates were 12.4% and 2.0%, respectively. This difference in detection was consistent across all subgroups of patients, regardless of age, sex, race/ethnicity, type of index event, presence or absence of patent foramen ovale, and CHADS score, Dr. Sanna and his colleagues said (N. Engl. J. Med. 2014 June 26 [doi:10.1056/NEJMoa1313600])

As was observed in Dr. Gladstone’s study, the use of oral anticoagulants for secondary prevention more than doubled among patients who received an ICM. The benefit of the ICM strategy was clear: only 14 devices would need to be implanted to detect an episode of AF during 6 months of monitoring, only 10 devices to detect an episode of AF during 12 months of follow-up, and only 4 devices to detect an episode of AF during 36 months of follow-up, they noted.

The findings of both studies indicate that in current practice, a substantial number of patients labeled as having cryptogenic stroke or TIA actually have occult AF that goes undiagnosed and untreated.

Dr. Gladstone’s study was supported by the Canadian Stroke Network, the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario, the Bastable-Potts Chair in Stroke, the Heart and Stroke Foundation Canadian Partnership for Stroke Recovery, the University of Toronto, the Brain Sciences Program at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, the Sunnybrook Research Institute, the Sam Sobara family, and the University of Toronto Brill Chair in Neurology. Dr. Gladstone reported receiving support from Bayer, Boehringer Ingelheim, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Daiichi Sankyo, and Pfizer; his associates reported ties to numerous industry sources. Dr. Sanna’s study was supported by Medtronic, maker of the ICM used in the study. Dr. Sanna reported other ties to Medtronic, and his associates reported ties to numerous industry sources.

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Standard of care should now change

"Most patients with cryptogenic stroke or TIA should undergo at least several weeks of rhythm monitoring. Relatively inexpensive external loop recorders, such as those used in the [Gladstone] trial, will probably be cost-effective; the value of more expensive implantable loop recorders is less clear," he noted.The results of these two studies indicate that "prolonged monitoring of heart rhythm should now become part of the standard care of patients with cryptogenic stroke," said Dr. Hooman Kamel.

Dr. Kamel is in the department of neurology and the Feil Family Brain and Mind Research Institute at Cornell University, New York. He had no related financial disclosures. These remarks were taken from his editorial accompanying the reports by Dr. Gladstone and 

学科代码:心血管病学 神经病学   关键词:性卒中后房颤