

Diagnosis and Management of Lung Cancer Executive Summary
来源:MDC 2013-05-13 16:02 点击次数:592发表评论

Lung cancer causes as many deaths as the next four leading causes of cancer deaths combined.1 In the developing world, which has seen a dramatic increase in the rate of smoking, the impending number of deaths from this disease is staggering. Although the incidence and death rate in the United States has been declining since around 2000, lung cancer is projected to remain by far the leading cause of cancer deaths for many decades.

For many years, lung cancer was a relatively neglected disease, shrouded in pessimism and with little research funding. However, many advances have occurred, and it is now a vibrant field with a rapid pace of new information. The explosion of literature makes it difficult for anyone to stay current. With more insight comes the identification of many nuances that are important to correctly understand new studies and choose the optimal treatments for patients. Lung cancer has evolved to where it takes a team of individuals, each with lung cancer expertise within their specialty, to be able to provide the necessary up-to-date knowledge base. The crucial aspect here is not to simply have multiple specialties but to develop a forum for ongoing interaction, so that the individuals think and function as a team, making decisions collectively. Such integration and collaboration allow collective knowledge and judgment to be brought to bear on caring for patients. Even for such a team, however, staying abreast of advances is challenging.

学科代码:呼吸病学 肿瘤学 放射学   关键词:肺癌诊断与治疗
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