

Istructions to Authors

Tumori is an international journal devoted to the publication of original articles on experimental and clinical cancer research. The journal publishes peer-reviewed articles in the following categories: original papers, editorial and review articles, case reports, and letters to the editor. Editorial and review articles will normally be invited by the Editors. Unsolicited review articles will also be considered and will be reviewed as original articles. Manuscripts are accepted for review with the understanding that the same work has not been and will not be published nor is currently submitted elsewhere, and that all persons listed as authors have given their approval for the submission of the paper (this must be specified in a cover letter). Authors are requested to submit their manuscripts (written in clear, concise English) by email to the Editorial Office at . Manuscripts should be prepared in MS Word or an MS Office-compatible format. Authors are invited to suggest competent reviewers in their fields.

Research articles. Research article should be divided into these sections:

  • Title page including acknowledgments;
  • Abstract;
  • Introduction;
  • Materials and Methods;
  • Results;
  • Discussion;
  • References;
  • Tables;
  • Figure Legends.

Page 1 (title page) should include a brief title (abbreviations and chemical formulas are not accepted); authors’ full names; academic or professional affiliations and addresses; a running title that should not exceed 50 characters including spaces; acknowledgments; complete address of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed including phone and fax numbers and email address (all correspondence should be performed by the same author); financial disclosure and conflict of interest statements.

Page 2 should contain a short abstract (not exceeding 300 words), which should be organized according to the following headings:

  1. Aims and background;
  2. Methods (or study design);
  3. Results,
  4. Conclusions.

This format is not required for short communications and case reports. A list of three or four key words that convey the meaning of the paper as a whole must be included.

Case Reports. All case reports received in 2011 will be considered only for online publication. A case report is composed as follows: Introduction, Case report, Discussion. The length of a case report should not exceed 2000 words (inclusive of abstract and references, exclusive of tables and figure legends) with a maximum number of four figures and/or tables.

Tables and Figures must be cited consecutively in the text, using Arabic numerals. Each table should be titled, appropriately numbered and placed on a separate page. Units of measurement should be indicated and all abbreviations defined. All the illustrations (graphs, drawings and photographs) should be referred to in the text as Figures. Photographs should be either good quality glossy prints or high-resolution electronic files; in the latter case, please send files in a zipped folder. Hard copies of figures can be sent to the Editorial Office of Tumori, Via G. Venezian 1, 20133 Milan (Italy). Since graphs are generally reduced in size to 8.5 cm, numbers, letters and symbols are to be originally large enough so that, when reduced, they will remain at least 2 mm high to maintain legibility. To avoid reduction, the width of photographs should generally not exceed 8.5 cm. When necessary, photographs can be arranged to form a plate of the maximum size of 17 cm (width) x 18 cm (height). Figure legends should be given on a separate page. References should be listed at the end of the paper and should be numbered consecutively as they are cited. In the text, references are identified by Arabic numerals in superscript.

References first cited in tables or figure legends must be numbered in such a way as to be in sequence with references cited in the text. References should include the names of all authors (last name followed by initials without full stop; don’t use et al.); full title of the article; name of the journal abbreviated according to the style of Index Medicus; volume number; first and last page numbers; and year of publication. References to books should be written as follows: names of all authors; title of chapter. In: title of the book, editor( s), pages, publisher, place, year. For electronic material, please refer to the instructions of the National Library of Medicine (www.nlm.nih.gov/citingmedicine/).

For an example of correct style in manuscript preparation, please consult a recent issue of the journal. Manuscripts that are not adequately prepared will be returned to the authors for modification. The editors reserve the right to make corrections in grammar and style. The journal takes plagiarism very seriously, and screening for duplicate publication and textual plagiarism, including micro plagiarism (“copy-paste writing”), will be part of the editing process.

Reprints can be ordered when returning the revised page proofs and will be charged to the authors.


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