

DKA often the first recognized sign of type 1 diabetes
来源:EGMN 2013-02-11 08:55点击次数:2134发表评论

来自小儿糖尿病联合会(PDC)的研究者报告称,大约1/3的1型糖尿病患儿在获得诊断时已发生糖尿病酮症酸中毒(DKA),这意味着更早出现的征象常常被忽视了(J. Pediatr. 2013;162:330-4)。


William Tamborlane博士


PDC主席、耶鲁大学临床研究所副主任William Tamborlane博士指出,问题在于,1型糖尿病的早期症状——例如突然极度口渴和排尿——被不熟悉该病的患者甚至某些医生忽视的情况并不罕见,尤其是当出现在年龄非常小的患儿身上时。




几乎所有的DKA患儿(91%)都需要住院治疗,58%需要ICU治疗,3%发生了脑水肿,但无1例死亡。他们的平均住院时间为3天。DKA定义为静脉pH值低于7.3和(或)血清碳酸氢盐低于15 mEq/L。

《儿科学杂志》编委Alan Rogol博士评论指出,儿科医生和医务人员应考虑到1型糖尿病的可能性,以预防或者至少尽可能减轻这种急性代谢紊乱,并制定长期治疗计划。



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By: M. ALEXANDER OTTO, Clinical Endocrinology News Digital Network

About a third of children are already in diabetic ketoacidosis by the time they are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, which means that earlier signs of the disease were missed, according to researchers from the Pediatric Diabetes Consortium.

Among 805 children in the group’s database, 34% presented in diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), half of whom had moderate or severe DKA (pH less than 7.2). The risk of DKA was 54% in children under 3 years old and 33% in older children (P = .006). The findings were consistent with previous studies.

"Unfortunately, there has been no apparent change in the rate of DKA at presentation of T1D [type 1 diabetes] in children over the past 25 years; the incidence of DKA in children at the onset of T1D remains high. Effective techniques for increasing awareness of the early symptoms of T1D in both the general public and primary care providers are needed to decrease the incidence of this life-threatening complication," the investigators wrote (J. Pediatr. 2013;162:330-4).

The problem is that those early T1D symptoms – often an abrupt increase in thirst and urination – are "not infrequently" overlooked by parents unfamiliar with the disease and sometimes even by clinicians, especially in very young children, said coinvestigator Dr. William Tamborlane, deputy director for clinical research at Yale University, New Haven, Conn., and chair of the diabetes consortium, a research collaboration between university pediatric diabetes centers.

The classic signs of diabetes in children have a variety of harmless possible explanations. Excess thirst might be chalked up to hot weather or a growth spurt. Polyuria might be mistaken for a urinary tract infection. Weight loss, particularly in an obese child, might be attributed to dieting. It’s also hard to tell the difference between normal and abnormal thirst and urination in children less than 1 or 2 years old, and they’re unlikely to be able to voice any complaints, he said in an interview.

Indeed, younger age (P = .002) proved to be an independent predictor of DKA at diagnosis, as did lack of private health insurance (P less than .001), African American race (P = .01), and no family history of T1D (P = .001).

Children in the study were under 19 years old and positive for at least one diabetes-associated autoantibody. Their average age was 9 years, half were girls, and 63% were non-Hispanic whites.

Almost all of the DKA kids (91%) were admitted to the hospital; 58% required ICU treatment and 3% had cerebral edema, but none died. Their mean hospital stay was 3 days. DKA was defined in the study as a venous pH below 7.3 and/or a serum bicarbonate below 15 mEq/L.

Commenting on the study, Dr. Alan Rogol, a Journal of Pediatrics editorial board member, wrote, "It is incumbent upon us as pediatricians and health care professionals to consider the diagnosis of T1D to prevent, or at least minimize, the severity of the acute metabolic disturbance and to enter into a long-term treatment plan."

Dr. Tamborlane noted that, like juvenile diabetes, DKA can be missed too, especially when its associated nausea and vomiting mimic a viral infection. "When a child presents with a flulike illness, it’s worth getting a simple urine dipstick to make sure there’s no sugar or ketones in the urine," he said.

The investigators said that they had no disclosures.

学科代码: 内分泌学与糖尿病  儿科学  全科医学     关键词:1型糖尿病 糖尿病酮症酸中毒 ,新闻 爱思唯尔医学网, Elseviermed
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    • 2013-03-30 22:39  发表陈晖

