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Optimizing Success Rates With Current Hepatitis B Therapy

By Bruce Jancin 2010-05-21 【发表评论】
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Elsevier Global Medical News
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VIENNA (EGMN) – With no new blockbuster drug on the horizon for chronic hepatitis B, researchers are focusing on ways to boost the effectiveness of pegylated interferon, the current standard treatment for hepatitis B.

Two such novel strategies were introduced at the annual International Liver Congress sponsored by the European Association for the Study of the Liver. One involves stopping pegylated interferon 12 weeks into the side effect–heavy therapy in patients who are extremely unlikely to benefit from continuing for the standard 48 weeks. The other method entails doubling treatment duration to 96 weeks.

Both of these strategies were developed specifically to boost the therapeutic yield in patients with hepatitis B e antigen–negative chronic hepatitis B, an infection that is more difficult to clear than hepatitis B e antigen–positive disease.

Dr. Vincent Rijckborst of Erasmus University, Rotterdam, presented an international multicenter randomized double-blind study involving 107 antigen-negative patients who completed 48 weeks of once-weekly therapy with 180 mcg of pegylated interferon alpha-2a (Pegasys) plus either placebo or 1,000-1,200 mg/day of ribavirin.

Twenty-two percent of both groups had a sustained response at follow-up 24 weeks after completing treatment. The goal of this retrospective analysis of serial hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and HBV DNA levels was to find the earliest possible point in treatment to identify who is most and least likely to sustain a response to pegylated interferon. Sustained responders exhibited a greater degree of HBsAg decline.

The best prediction of sustained response came from a combination of an HBsAg decline at week 12, along with a 2-log or greater drop in HBV DNA level at that time. Twenty-seven percent of the study population met those requirements, and they had a 39% sustained response rate.

At the other extreme, 20% of patients had neither a 2-log decrease in HBV DNA nor a decline in HBsAg level at 12 weeks, and that group had a sustained response rate of 0%, establishing what Dr. Rijckborst called “a solid stopping rule.”

“These patients should be advised to discontinue therapy,” he said. “On the other hand, patients with both declines had a 39% chance of sustained response, so those patients really should be encouraged to complete the treatment phase.”

Patients with a week-12 decline in one of the two measures had an intermediate sustained response rate of 24%-25%.

“We think the HBsAg decline reflects the decline in cDNA levels and the immunologic effects of [pegylated interferon], while the decline in HBV DNA levels appears to reflect the drug’s direct antiviral effect,” Dr. Rijckborst said.

In a second study, Dr. Pietro Lampertico of the University of Milan reported on 103 patients with hepatitis B e antigen–negative disease who were randomized in an open-label, multicenter study to 48 weeks or 96 weeks of pegylated interferon alpha-2a therapy.

The 96-week course resulted in a significantly higher sustained response rate 1 year after completing treatment, with 29% of patients demonstrating a sustained drop in HBV DNA to below 2,000 IU/mL, as compared with 12% of those treated for 48 weeks.

Moreover, 6% of patients in the prolonged treatment arm experienced HBsAg clearance. None did on the standard regimen, noted Dr. Lampertico.

The prolonged pegylated interferon therapy didn’t bring any increase in safety issues. That’s because most treatment-related adverse events happened in the first 6 months of the study. Roughly 80% of patients had one or more adverse events, one-quarter of subjects required a dose reduction, and 15% withdrew from participation because of side effects.

In reply to an audience member’s question whether he thinks it’s reasonable to routinely use 96 weeks of pegylated interferon in hepatitis B e antigen–negative patients, given that only 6% cleared HBsAg, Dr. Lampertico said he does not.

“My point is that we really have to change our approach to pegylated interferon in these patients,” he said. “We have to try to identify those patients who do not benefit from this monotherapy.” He added that he likes the 12-week stopping rule Dr. Rijckborst and his coworkers developed.

“The next step will be to try to develop a second stopping rule at 24 weeks so only a select subgroup of patients goes on for 2 years,” said Dr. Lampertico, a gastroenterologist. “And we really need to study combination therapies.”

Along those lines, Dr. Patrick Marcellin presented a randomized trial in which 159 hepatitis B e antigen–positive patients were randomized to pegylated interferon, the nucleoside analogue telbivudine (Tyzeka in this United States; Sebivo, internationally), or both in an effort to boost e antigen seroconversion rates.

At week 24, HBV DNA became undetectable in 35% of the telbivudine group, 7% of patients getting only pegylated interferon, and 71% of the group getting the combination. The combined-therapy group also experienced significantly greater declines in HBsAg and in e antigen. However, the trial had to be halted because eight patients on the combined therapy developed severe peripheral neuropathy.

“Despite increased efficacy, concomitant use of pegylated interferon and telbivudine should be avoided at present,” concluded Dr. Marcellin of Beaujon Hospital in Clichy, France.

The trial was supported by Novartis, where Dr. Marcellin serves as a consultant.

Dr. Rijckborst’s study was sponsored by Rotterdam’s Foundation for Liver and Gastrointestinal Research. He reported having no relevant financial interests.

Dr. Lampertico’s study was sponsored by Roche, and he is a consultant to that company.

Copyright (c) 2009 Elsevier Global Medical News. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.



在由欧洲肝脏研究学会(European Association for the Study of the Liver)主办的年度国际肝病会议(International Liver Congress)上提出了两项这样的新策略。其中之一为,对于出现严重治疗副作用、从持续48周标准治疗中获益甚小的患者,在12周聚乙二醇干扰素治疗后停药;另一种方法为,疗程延长2倍至96周。




鹿特丹Erasmus 大学的Vincent Rijckborst博士公布了一项国际、多中心、随机、双盲研究,受试者为107例抗原阴性的患者,这些患者完成了48周聚乙二醇干扰素α(180 μg1/周,Pegasys)+安慰剂或利巴韦林(1,000~1,200 mg/d)治疗。


两治疗组均有22%的受试者在完成治疗后第24周随访时存在持续应答。对系列乙肝表面抗原(HBsAg)HBV DNA水平进行回顾性分析,旨在找出以确定对聚乙醇干扰素持续应答可能性最大与最小患者的最早治疗时点。持续应答者表现为HBsAg有较大的降幅。


持续有效的最佳预测指标为12周时HbsAg下降且此时HBV DNA水平下降≥2 log27%的研究群体达到这些要求,他们的持续应答率为39%


与之相反,20%的患者HBV DNA未下降2 log,且12周时HbsAg水平亦无下降,该组持续应答率为0,这形成了Rijckborst博士所称的确凿的停药规定。






我们认为,HbsAg下降可反映cDNA水平的下降及聚乙二醇干扰素的免疫学效应,而HBV DNA水平降低似乎反映了药物的直接抗病毒效应,”Rijckborst博士说。


在另一项研究中,米兰大学Pietro Lampertico博士报告了对103e抗原阴性的乙肝患者的研究结果,在这项开放性多中心研究中,受试者被随机分配接受48周或96周聚乙二醇干扰素α-2a治疗。


在完成治疗后的1年,96周疗程产生的持续应答率显著增高,有29%的患者显示HBV DNA水平持续下降,低于2,000 IU/ml,而相比之下,疗程为48周者有12%出现这种情况。












另外,Patrick Marcellin博士还公布了一项对159e抗原阳性的乙肝患者进行的随机试验,试验中受试者被随机安排接受聚乙二醇干扰素或核苷类似物替比夫定(美国商品名为替泽卡;国际商品名为素比伏)治疗,或两者联合治疗,以努力提高e抗原血清转阴率。


在第24周时,替比夫定治疗组有35%无法检出HBV DNA,聚乙二醇干扰素治疗组有7%,两药联合治疗组有71%。联合治疗组HbsAge抗原均发生显著下降。然而,该试验因联合治疗组的8例患者发生了重度周围神经病变而停止。


尽管疗效获得增加,但现阶段应避免聚乙二醇干扰素与替比夫定联用,法国Clichy Beaujon 医院 Marcellin博士总结道。








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患者,女,69岁。2009年1月无明显诱因下出现乏力,当时程度较轻,未予以重视。2009年3月患者乏力症状加重,尿色逐渐加深,大便习惯改变,颜色变淡。4月18日入我院感染科治疗,诉轻度头晕、心慌,体重减轻10kg。无肝区疼痛,无发热,无腹痛、腹泻、腹胀、里急后重,无恶性、呕吐等。入院半月前于外院就诊,查肝功能:ALT 601IU/L,AST 785IU/L,TBIL 97.7umol/L,白蛋白 41g/L,甲状腺功能:游离T3 30.6pmol/L,游离T4 51.9pmol/L,心电图示快速房颤。

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