

Guidance for Lung Cancer Screening
来源:MDC 2012-05-08 15:09 点击次数:525发表评论

The Committee provides the following interim recommendations:

• The best way to prevent lung cancer caused by tobacco use is to never start or quit smoking.

• Low-dose CT screening should be recommended for those people who meet NLST criteria:
o current or former smokers, aged 55 to 74 years
o a smoking history of at least 30 pack-years
o no history of lung cancer

• Individuals should not receive a chest X-ray for lung cancer screening

• Low-dose CT screening should NOT be recommended for everyone

• ALA should develop public health materials describing the lung cancer screening process in order to assist patients in talking with their doctors. This educational portfolio should include information that explains and clarifies for the public:
o the difference between a screening process and a diagnostic test
o the benefits, risks and costs (emotional, physical and economic)
o that not all lung cancers will be detected through use of low dose CT scanning

• A call to action should be issued to hospitals and screening centers to:
o establish ethical policies for advertising and promoting lung cancer CT screening services
o develop educational materials to assist patients in having careful and thoughtful discussions between patients and their physicians regarding lung cancer screening
o provide lung cancer screening services with access to multidisciplinary teams that can deliver the needed follow-up for evaluation of nodules.

学科代码:呼吸病学 肿瘤学   关键词:肺癌筛查
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