

The diagnosis and management of varicose veins in the legs
来源:Clinicalkey 2013-08-07 09:46 点击次数:558发表评论

Varicose veins are dilated, often palpable subcutaneous veins with reversed blood flow. They are most commonly found in the legs. Estimates of the prevalence of varicose veins vary. Visible varicose veins in the lower limbs are estimated to affect at least a third of the population. Risk factors for developing varicose veins are unclear, although prevalence rises with age and they often develop during pregnancy.

In some people varicose veins are asymptomatic or cause only mild symptoms, but in others they cause pain, aching or itching and can have a significant effect on their quality of life. Varicose veins may become more severe over time and can lead to complications such as changes in skin pigmentation, bleeding or venous ulceration. It is not known which people will develop more severe disease but it is estimated that 3–6% of people who have varicose veins in their lifetime will develop venous ulcers.

学科代码:外科学   关键词:静脉曲张