
Neurogenesis in adult human brain after traumatic brain injury
作者:Zheng, W.a, Zhuge, Q.a, Zhong, M.a, Chen, G.b, Shao, B.c, Wang, H.c, Mao, X.d, Xie, L.d, Jin, K.ad
机构: 温州医学院附属第一医院神经外科
期刊: J Neurotrauma2013年11月22期30卷



While much work has been conducted regarding the neurogenesis response to traumatic brain injury (TBI) in rodents, it remains largely unknown whether neurogenesis in adult human brain also responds to TBI in a similar manner. Here, we performed immunocytochemistry on 11 brain specimens from patients with traumatic brain injury, who underwent surgical intervention. We found that expression of neural stem/progenitor cell (NSC) protein markers, including DCX, TUC4, PSA-NCAM, SOX2 and NeuroD, was increased in the perilesional cortex of human brain after TBI compared to that of normal brain. Confocal images showed that these NSC proteins were expressed in one single cell. We also found that proliferative markers were expressed in NSC protein-positive cells after TBI, and the number of proliferative NSCs was significantly increased after TBI. Our data suggest that TBI may also induce neurogenesis in human brain.

通讯作者:Jin, K.; Buck Institute for Age Research, 8001 Redwood Boulevard, Novato, CA 94945, United States; email:kjin@buckinstitute.org
学科代码:神经病学 神经外科学   关键词:brain trauma; human; injury; n
来源: Scopus
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