
Pregnancy and perinatal outcomes of interventional ultrasound sclerotherapy with 98% ethanol on women with hydrosalpinx before in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer
作者:Zhang, W.-X., Jiang, H., Wang, X.-M., Wang, L.
机构: 中国人民解放军第105医院 生殖医学中心
期刊: AM J OBSTET GYNECOL2014年3月3期210卷



To evaluate the pregnancy and perinatal outcomes of ultrasound sclerotherapy with 98ethanol on women with hydrosalpinx before invitro fertilization and embryo transfer.


A total of 339 women were divided into 4 groups. Group A without a recurrent hydrosalpinx after sclerotherapy (n = 123, 130 cycles), group B having a recurrence of hydrosalpinx after sclerotherapy (n = 34, 39 cycles), group C (n = 47, 50 cycles) with no prophylactic intervention for hydrosalpinx, whereas group D with nonhydrosalpinx tubal factor infertility was served as control group (n = 135, 145 cycles). Pulsatility index, resistance index, the ratio between peak systolic flow and lowest diastolic flow of the uterine arcuate artery on the day of human chorionic gonadotropin administration, and pregnancy and perinatal outcomes were assessed.


Thirty-four women (21.7%) experienced hydrosalpinx recurrence after sclerotherapy. The rates of embryo implantation (8.8%), clinicalpregnancy (16.0%), and live birth (10.0%) in group C were significantly lower than those in group A (26.4%, 43.1%, 33.8%), group B (24.5%, 38.5%, 28.2%), and group D (30.0%, 50.3%, 39.3%), respectively. The pulsatility index, resistance index, and the ratio between peak systolic flow and lowest diastolic flow of the uterine arcuate artery in group C were significantly higher than those in the other 3 groups. No significant differences in the rate of preterm birth, the rate of low birthweight newborns, and birth defects were found among the 4 groups.


Ultrasound sclerotherapy on women with hydrosalpinx could improve the outcomes of in vitro fertilization embryo transfer by improving the blood flow of the uterine arcuate artery. Interventional ultrasound sclerotherapy has no adverse effect on perinatal outcomes.

Copyright © 2014 Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.


IVF; hydrosalpinxperinatal outcome; pregnancy outcome; sclerotherapy

通讯作者:Reproductive Medicine Center, 105 Hospital of People's Liberation Army, Hefei, Anhui, China
学科代码:妇产科学   关键词:胚胎移植 输卵管积液
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