
Effect of Bronchoconstriction on Airway Remodeling in Asthma
2012-08-20 12:08点击:131次发表评论
作者:Christopher L. Grainge, Ph.D., Laurie C.K. Lau, Ph 【View at publisher】 【全球专家评论】
期刊: NEW ENGL J MED2011年1月期364卷 专家评级:★★ 循证评级:B


Asthma is characterized pathologically by structural changes in the airway, termed airway remodeling. These changes are associated with worse long-term clinical outcomes and have been attributed to eosinophilic inflammation. In vitro studies indicate, however, that the compressive mechanical forces that arise during bronchoconstriction may induce remodeling independently of inflammation. We evaluated the influence of repeated experimentally induced bronchoconstriction on airway structural changes in patients with asthma.


We randomly assigned 48 subjects with asthma to one of four inhalation challenge protocols involving a series of three challenges with one type of inhaled agent presented at 48-hour intervals. The two active challenges were with either a dust-mite allergen (which causes bronchoconstriction and eosinophilic inflammation) or methacholine (which causes bronchoconstriction without eosinophilic inflammation); the two control challenges (neither of which causes bronchoconstriction) were either saline alone or albuterol followed by methacholine (to control for nonbronchoconstrictor effects of methacholine). Bronchial-biopsy specimens were obtained before and 4days after completion of the challenges.


Allergen and methacholine immediately induced similar levels of bronchoconstriction. Eosinophilic inflammation of the airways increased only in the allergen group, whereas both the allergen and the methacholine groups had significant airway remodeling not seen in the two control groups. Subepithelial collagen-band thickness increased by a median of 2.17μm in the allergen group (interquartile range [IQR], 0.70 to 3.67) and 1.94μm in the methacholine group (IQR, 0.37 to 3.24) (P<0.001 for the comparison of the two challenge groups with the two control groups); periodic acid–Schiff staining of epithelium (mucus glands) also increased, by a median of 2.17 percentage points in the allergen group (IQR, 1.03 to 4.77) and 2.13 percentage points in the methacholine group (IQR, 1.14 to 7.96) (P=0.003 for the comparison with controls). There were no significant differences between the allergen and methacholine groups.


Bronchoconstriction without additional inflammation induces airway remodeling in patients with asthma. These findings have potential implications for management.

学科代码:呼吸病学 儿科学 变态反应、哮喘病与免疫学   关键词:支气管狭窄对哮喘患者气道重构的影响
来源: Eclips
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