
One-stage removal of a giant thoracic paraspinal shamrock-shaped schwannoma via modified hemilaminectomy and posterolateral thoracotomy
2012-08-22 17:03点击:203次发表评论
作者:Lan, Z.G.a, Chen, H.F.a, Huang, S.Q.a , Pu, Q.b
机构: 四川大学华西医院神经外科
期刊: SPINE J2012年6月6期12卷

Department of Neurosurgery, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, 37 Guo Xue Xiang St, Chengdu, Sichuan 610041, China

Background context: Paraspinal neurogenic tumors in the thoracic region are not a rare clinical entity in neurosurgical practice. They usually consist of intrathoracic and intraspinal parts, namely dumb-bell type. However, in some rare cases, they might display a bidirectional extraspinal growing pattern, compromising three components with intraspinal, intrathoracic, and subcutaneous parts, thus appearing to be shamrock-like. Despite its benign nature, the removal of this type of tumor could be challenging for both neurosurgeons and thoracic surgeons, especially when the tumor has grown to an enormous size. Purpose: We present a case of a giant paraspinal shamrock-shaped schwannoma in the T9-T12 level resected completely by one-stage combined surgery of hemilaminectomy and posterolateral thoracotomy performed by an interdisciplinary team of neurosurgeons and thoracic surgeons. Study design/setting: Operating room of a large tertiary medical center where expertise and equipment of neurosurgery, thoracic surgery, and neuroanesthesia are readily available. Methods: Under generalized anesthesia, the patient was intubated with a double-lumen endotracheal tube to allow one-lung ventilation during the thoracotomy, and he was then placed in the left lateral position. Because of the giant subcutaneous mass, the normal hemilaminectomy could not be carried out like it usually would be. Thus, we did slight modification to the standard hemilaminectomy; first, by elevation of a skin flap to allow in situ excision of the subcutaneous portion of the tumor, then followed by a standard unilateral laminectomy to remove the intraspinal portion, done by neurosurgeons, and finally, posterolateral thoracotomy to remove the intrathoracic part, performed by a thoracic team. Results: The postoperative magnetic resonance imaging scan showed complete removal of the tumor, and the patient experienced an improvement in lower extremity muscle weakness with no new neurological deficits. Conclusions: This is the first case to demonstrate the removal of giant paraspinal shamrock-shaped schwannoma in the thoracic level. The combined approach of modified hemilaminectomy and posterolateral thoracotomy was proven to be appropriate in managing such cases, making this procedure a potential addition to present methods. © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Huang, S.Q.; Department of Neurosurgery, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, 37 Guo Xue Xiang St, Chengdu, Sichuan 610041, China; email: 158075478@qq.com

通讯作者:Department of Neurosurgery, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, 37 Guo Xue Xiang St, Chengdu, Sichuan 610041, China
学科代码:骨科学   关键词:通过改良偏侧椎板切除术和后外侧额胸廓切开术一期切除一枚胸廓脊
来源: Scopus
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