
NeuroD modulates opioid agonist-selective regulation of adult neurogenesis and contextual memory extinction
作者:Zheng, H. | Zhang, Y. | Li, W. | Loh, H.H. | Law,
机构: 广东省干细胞与再生医学重点实验室 中国科学院再生生物学重点实验室

Key Laboratory of Regenerative Biology of CAS, Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Science City, Guangzhou, China



Addictive drugs, including opioids, modulate adult neurogenesis. In order to delineate the probable implications of neurogenesis on contextual memory associated with addiction, we investigated opioid agonist-selective regulation of neurogenic differentiation 1 (NeuroD) activities under the conditioned place preference (CPP) paradigm. Training mice with equivalent doses of morphine and fentanyl produced different CPP extinction rates without measurable differences in the CPP acquisition rate or magnitude. Fentanyl-induced CPP required much longer time for extinction than morphine-induced CPP. We observed a parallel decrease in NeuroD activities and neurogenesis after morphine-induced CPP, but not after fentanyl-induced CPP. Increasing NeuroD activities with NeuroD-lentivirus (nd-vir) injection at the dentate gyrus before CPP training reversed morphine-induced decreases in NeuroD activities and neurogenesis, and prolonged the time required for extinction of morphine-induced CPP. On the other hand, decreasing NeuroD activities via injection of miRNA-190-virus (190-vir) reversed the fentanyl effect on NeuroD and neurogenesis and shortened the time required for extinction of fentanyl-induced CPP. Another contextual memory task, the Morris Water Maze (MWM), was affected similarly by alteration of NeuroD activities. The reduction in NeuroD activities either by morphine treatment or 190-vir injection decreased MWM task retention, while the increase in NeuroD activities by nd-vir prolonged MWM task retention. Thus, by controlling NeuroD activities, opioid agonists differentially regulate adult neurogenesis and subsequent contextual memory retention. Such drug-related memory regulation could have implications in eventual context-associated relapse.


通讯作者:Zheng, H.; Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health, 190 Kaiyuan Ave., Science City, Guangzhou 510530, China
学科代码:精神病学   关键词:adult neurogenesis; agonist-se
来源: Scopus
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