
Propofol and memory: A study using a process dissociation procedure and functional magnetic resonance imaging
作者:Quan, X., Yi, J., Ye, T.H. , Tian, S.Y., Zou, L.,
机构: 中国医学科学院北京协和麻醉科
期刊: Anesth2013年4月4期68卷

Department of Anaesthesiology, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing, China


Thirty volunteers randomly received either mild or deep propofol sedation, to assess its effect on explicit and implicit memory. Blood oxygen level-dependent functional magnetic resonance during sedation examined brain activation by auditory word stimulus and a process dissociation procedure was performed 4 h after scanning. Explicit memory formation did not occur in either group. Implicit memories were formed during mild but not deep sedation (p = 0.04). Mild propofol sedation inhibited superior temporal gyrus activation (Z value 4.37, voxel 167). Deep propofol sedation inhibited superior temporal gyrus (Z value 4.25, voxel 351), middle temporal gyrus (Z value 4.39, voxel 351) and inferior parietal lobule (Z value 5.06, voxel 239) activation. Propofol only abolishes implicit memory during deep sedation. The superior temporal gyrus is associated with explicit memory processing, while the formation of both implicit and explicit memories is associated with superior and middle temporal gyri and inferior parietal lobule activation.



通讯作者:Ye, T.H.; Department of Anaesthesiology, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing, China; email:quan79102@188.com
学科代码:麻醉与疼痛治疗   关键词:Propofol;memory
来源: Scopus
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