
Smoking, acute mountain sickness and altitude acclimatisation: A cohort study
2012-09-27 10:59点击:139次发表评论
作者:Wu, T.-Y.abc , Ding, S.-Q.d, Liu, J.-L.d, Jia, J.-
机构: 青海省高原医学科学研究所 高原医学重点实验室
期刊: THORAX2012年10月10期67卷

Wu, T.-Y.; National Key Laboratory of High Altitude Medicine, High Altitude Medical Research Institute, Xining, Zhuanchang Rd, No. 7, Qinghai 810012, China; email:wutianyiqg@hotmail.com

Rationale: The relationship between cigarette smoking and acute mountain sickness (AMS) is not clear. Objective: To assess AMS risk and altitude acclimatisation in relation to smoking. Methods: 200 healthy non-smokers and 182 cigarette smokers were recruited from Han lowland workers. These were men without prior altitude exposure, matched for age, health status and occupation, who were transported to an altitude of 4525 masl. Measurements: AMS, smoking habits, arterial saturation (SpO 2), haemoglobin (Hb), lung function and mean pulmonary artery pressure (PAPm) were assessed upon arrival and after 3 and 6 months. Main results: Compared with non-smokers, smokers had a lower incidence of AMS and lower AMS scores than non-smokers upon arrival; higher Hb and PAPm associated with lower SpO 2 at 3 and 6 months at altitude; and lower forced expiratory volume in 1 s and maximal voluntary ventilation at 3 and 6 months. Conclusions: Smoking slightly decreases the risk of AMS but impairs long-term altitude acclimatisation and lung function during a prolonged stay at high altitude.

Physiological Research Group of the Ministry of Railroad, Beijing, China

通讯作者:Wu, T.-Y.; National Key Laboratory of High Altitude Medicine, High Altitude Medical Research Institute, Xining, Zhuanchang Rd, No. 7, Qinghai 810012, China; email:wutianyiqg@hotmail.com
学科代码:呼吸病学   关键词:吸烟、急性高山病与海拔高度适应性:一项队列研究
来源: Scopus
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