
Background enhancement in breast MR: Correlation with breast density in mammography and background echotexture in ultrasound
2012-04-19 15:22点击:1227次发表评论
作者:Ko Lee Choi 【View at publisher】 【全球专家评论】
期刊: European Journal of Radiology2011年12月3期80卷 专家评级:★★ 循证评级:B

OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to determine whether background enhancement on MR was related to mammographic breast density or ultrasonographic background echotexture in premenopausal and postmenopausal women.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: We studied 142 patients (79 premenopausal, 63 postmenopausal) who underwent mammography, ultrasonography, and breast MR. We reviewed the mammography for overall breast density of the contralateral normal breast according to the four-point scale of the BI-RADS classification. Ultrasound findings were classified as homogeneous or heterogeneous background echotexture according to the BI-RADS lexicon. We rated background enhancement on a contralateral breast MR into four categories based on subtraction images: absent, mild, moderate, and marked. All imaging findings were interpreted independently by two readers without knowledge of menstrual status, imaging findings of other modalities.

RESULTS: There were significant differences between the premenopausal and postmenopausal group in distribution of mammographic breast density, ultrasonographic background echotexture, and degree of background enhancement. Regarding the relationship between mammographic density and background enhancement, there was no significant correlation. There was significant relationship between ultrasonographic background echotexture and background enhancement in both premenopausal and postmenopausal groups.

CONCLUSION: There is a significant correlation between ultrasonographic background echotexture and background enhancement in MR regardless of menopausal status. Interpreting breast MR, or scheduling for breast MR of women showing heterogeneous background echotexture needs more caution.

学科代码:妇产科学   关键词:乳腺MR 乳腺密度与超声
来源: ScienceDirect
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