
Assessment of Posttraumatic Symptoms in Patients With First-Episode Psychosis
2012-09-06 16:02点击:66次发表评论
作者:Schäfer, Ingo MD, MPH*; Morgan, Craig MSc, PhD†‡; 【View at publisher】 【全球专家评论】
期刊: J Nerv Ment Dis2011年1月11期199卷 专家评级:★★★ 循证评级:C

Posttraumatic stress disorder is common among patients with psychotic disorders. The present study examined the internal reliability and comparability of the Impact of Event Scale (IES) in a sample of 38 patients with first-episode psychosis and 47 controls exposed to severe physical and/or sexual abuse. The IES total score and both subscales showed high internal consistency in both groups (Cronbach's alpha coefficients of approximately 0.9 or higher). Given their equivalent trauma reporting, the lack of differences in IES scores between patients and controls seems to indicate that patients are likely to report accurately and neither exaggerate nor minimize their posttraumatic symptoms. Overall, the findings suggest that the IES can be used to assess symptoms of posttraumatic stress in patients with psychotic disorders as in other populations.

学科代码:精神病学   关键词:对首次精神疾病发作患者创伤后症状的评估
来源: Eclips
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