
Lost in the Crowd: Prison Mental Health Care, Overcrowding, and the Courts
2012-09-06 16:06点击:62次发表评论
作者:Appelbaum, P...S 【View at publisher】 【全球专家评论】
期刊: Psychiatr Serv2011年1月期62卷 专家评级:★★ 循证评级:C

Skyrocketing inmate populations have put considerable pressure on prison mental health services. In California, prison populations have exceeded 200% of capacity, and litigation to rectify constitutionally inadequate care has been under way for more than two decades. After the failure of other remedies, a federal court ordered the state to reduce its inmate population to 137.5% of capacity in two years. The U.S. Supreme Court upheld the order, although it signaled that California could obtain more time to comply. Other states now are on notice that the justices will not permit grossly inadequate treatment conditions to continue indefinitely.

学科代码:精神病学   关键词:在人群中迷失:监狱精神保健、过度拥挤与法院
来源: Eclips
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