
Beijing eye public health care project
2012-08-22 10:21点击:87次发表评论
作者:Xu, L. , Jonas, J.B., Cui, T.T., You, Q.S., Wang,
机构: 首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院 北京市眼科学研究所
期刊: OPHTHALMOLOGY2012年6月6期119卷

Beijing Institute of Ophthalmology, Beijing Tongren Hospital, Capital Medical University, 17 Hougou Lane, Chongnei Street, Beijing, 100050, China

Purpose: The Beijing Eye Public Health Care Project was designed to screen all elderly subjects (age 55-85 years) of the rural region of Greater Beijing. It was developed as a preparatory step for a telemedicine-based public health care system in ophthalmology in China. Design: Population-based public health care project. Participants: Elderly subjects (age 55-85 years) of the rural region of Greater Beijing. Methods: Project participants were visited, interviewed, and examined by 2500 high school graduates trained as ophthalmic technicians. If visual acuity was <0.30, subjects were referred to primary health care centers where ocular photographs were taken. Using telemedicine, the photographs were transmitted to a reading center and causes for visual impairment were diagnosed. Main Outcome Measures: Practicability of a mass screening system in ophthalmology; prevalence of visual impairment and causes for it. Results: Out of 692 323 eligible inhabitants, 562 788 (81.3%) subjects participated. Visual impairment in <1 eye was detected in 54 155 (9.62%) subjects, and among them, 30 164 (5.36%) subjects had bilateral visual impairment. Ocular fundus photographs were taken for 37 281 subjects. Cause for visual impairment was cataract in 19 163 (3.41%) of all screened subjects, glaucoma in 1606 (0.29%) subjects, diabetic retinopathy in 905 (0.16%) subjects, other macular diseases in 2700 (0.48%) subjects, pterygium in 1381 (0.25%) subjects, and corneal leukoma in 283 (0.05%) subjects. For 5853 (1.04%) subjects, a diagnosis of premature or mature cataract was made showing the urgent need of cataract surgery. After cataract surgery, visual acuity was <0.30 in 1464 (91.7%) of 1596 postoperatively reexamined subjects. Conclusions: Using a telemedicine approach, the Beijing Eye Public Health Care Project developed, applied and tested an infrastructure for ophthalmic mass screening of >500 000 elderly inhabitants with a response rate of >80%. Beside cataract, retinal diseases including diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma were major causes for visual impairment. Financial Disclosure(s): The authors have no proprietary or commercial interest in any of the materials discussed in this article. © 2012 American Academy of Ophthalmology.

Xu, L.; Beijing Institute of Ophthalmology, Beijing Tongren Hospital, Capital Medical University, 17 Hougou Lane, Chongnei Street, Beijing, 100050, China; email: xlbio1@gmail.com

通讯作者:Beijing Institute of Ophthalmology, Beijing Tongren Hospital, Capital Medical University, 17 Hougou Lane, Chongnei Street, Beijing, 100050, China
学科代码:眼科学   关键词:北京眼睛公共卫生保健项目
来源: Scopus
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