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Early prediction of nasal continuous positive airway pressure failure in preterm infants less than 30weeks gestation
2012-06-20 17:39点击:70次发表评论
作者:De Jaegere, A...P..., van der Lee, J...H..., Canté 【View at publisher】 【全球专家评论】
期刊: ACTA PAEDIATR2012年1月期卷 专家评级:★★★ 循证评级:B

Aim:To predict early nasal continuous positive airway pressure failure within the first 2h after birth in preterm infants.  Methods:Patient and respiratory support variables significantly associated with continuous positive airway pressure failure in the first 72h after birth were identified in a cohort of preterm infants <30weeks gestation. Using multivariable logistic regression analysis, risk estimates for early nasal continuous positive airway pressure failure were calculated.  Results:From 182 infants included, 62(34%) failed early nasal continuous positive airway pressure. Birth weight ≤800g, male gender and a fraction of inspired oxygen >0.25 at 1 and 2h of age were significantly associated with early nasal continuous positive airway pressure failure. Combining these variables in a logistic regression model provided a minimal risk estimate for failure of 0.04[0.01–0.23] (female >800g, FiO2 ≤0.25 at 1, and 2h) and maximal estimate of 0.92[0.44–0.99] (male ≤800g, FiO2>0.25 at 1 and 2h).  Conclusion:Combining gender, birth weight and the fraction of inspired oxygen at 1 and 2h of age allows for a better and more individualized prediction of early nasal continuous positive airway pressure failure in preterm infants less than 30weeks gestation.

学科代码:儿科学   关键词:孕周不足30周的早产儿经鼻持续气道正压通气失败的早期预测
来源: Eclips
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