
CT Features of Peripheral Pulmonary Carcinoid Tumors
作者:Meisinger Klein Butnor 【View at publisher】 【全球专家评论】
期刊: AM J ROENTGENOL2011年11月5期197卷 专家评级:★★★ 循证评级:B

OBJECTIVE: Pulmonary carcinoid tumors are low-grade malignant neoplasms thought to arise primarily within the central airways in 85% of cases. The CT features of pulmonary carcinoid tumors that arise as solitary pulmonary nodules (SPNs) have not been well elucidated. We reviewed our experience with primary pulmonary carcinoid tumors to determine the distribution of lesions within the lung at diagnosis and to identify CT features that might aid in distinguishing these neoplasms from benign pulmonary nodules.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: CT scans, if available, of all patients with a primary pulmonary carcinoid tumor diagnosed by biopsy or surgical resection over the previous 15 years were reviewed. The CT scans were reviewed for the following features: lesion location; order of bronchus involved; lesion size, contour, and density; contrast enhancement; and the presence of peripheral atelectasis, hyperlucency, and bronchiectasis. We defined central lesions as those involved with a segmental or larger bronchus. Subsegmental bronchial involvement and tumors surrounded by lung parenchyma without direct airway involvement were defined as peripheral lesions. The final pathologic diagnosis for all cases was confirmed by review of cytologic or histologic specimens.

RESULTS: Twenty-eight carcinoid tumors were identified in 28 patients: 24 typical carcinoids and four atypical carcinoids. The study group was composed of 23 females and five males with a mean age of 52.4 years (range, 14-83 years). Twelve of the 28 lesions (43%) were central (i.e., involved a segmental or larger bronchus), and the remaining 16 lesions (57%) were peripheral. The mean tumor diameter for the 16 peripheral tumors was 14 mm (range, 9-28 mm); the majority (14/16, 88%) had a lobulated contour. Of six peripheral lesions with unenhanced and contrast-enhanced CT nodule enhancement studies, the mean maximal enhancement was 55.2 HU (range, 34-73 HU). Thirteen of the 16 peripheral carcinoid tumors (81%) involved a subsegmental bronchus, with 10 (63%) showing peripheral hyperlucency, bronchiectasis, or atelectasis.

CONCLUSION: In our series, primary pulmonary carcinoid tumors presenting as peripheral SPNs were more common than central endobronchial lesions in contrast to the published literature. The CT features of peripheral carcinoid tumors presenting as SPNs that suggest the diagnosis include lobulated nodules of high attenuation on contrast-enhanced CT; nodules that densely enhance with contrast administration; the presence of calcification; subsegmental airway involvement on thin-section analysis; and nodules associated with distal hyperlucency, bronchiectasis, or atelectasis.

学科代码:内科学 肿瘤学   关键词:肺周类癌性肿瘤
来源: ScienceDirect
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