
Strategies for isolating and enriching cancer stem cells: Well begun is half done
作者:Duan, J.-J. | Qiu, W. | Xu, S.-L. | Wang, B. | Ye,
机构: 第三军医大学西南医院肿瘤中心 病理学研究所
期刊: STEM CELLS DEV2013年8月16期22卷

Institute of Pathology and Southwest Cancer Center, Southwest Hospital, Third Military Medical University, Chongqing, People's Republic of China.



Cancer stem cells (CSCs) constitute a subpopulation of cancer cells that have the potential for self-renewal, multipotent differentiation, and tumorigenicity. Studies on CSC biology and CSC-targeted therapies depend on CSC isolation and/or enrichment methodologies. Scientists have conducted extensive research in this field since John Dick's group successfully isolated CSCs based on the expression of the CD34 and CD38 surface markers. Progress in CSC research has been greatly facilitated by the enrichment and isolation of these cells. In this review, we summarize the current strategies used in our and other laboratories for CSC isolation and enrichment, including methods based on stem cell surface markers, intracellular enzyme activity, the concentration of reactive oxygen species, the mitochondrial membrane potential, promoter-driven fluorescent protein expression, autofluorescence, suspension/adherent culture, cell division, the identification of side population cells, resistance to cytotoxic compounds or hypoxia, invasiveness/adhesion, immunoselection, and physical property. Although many challenges remain to be overcome, it is reasonable to believe that more reliable, efficient, and convenient methods will be developed in the near future.


通讯作者:Bian, X.-W.; Institute of Pathology and Southwest Cancer Center, Southwest Hospital, Ministry of Education of China, Chongqing 400038, China
学科代码:其他   关键词:cancer stem cells;isolating; e
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