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Reduced collagen deposition in infarcted myocardium facilitates induced pluripotent stem cell engraftment and angiomyogenesis for improvement of left ventricular function
2012-05-09 17:02点击:10次发表评论
作者:Dai, B., Huang, W., Xu, M., Millard, R.W., Gao, M.
期刊: J AM COLL CARDIOL2012年1月20期58卷

Objectives: The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of scar tissue composition on engraftment of progenitor cells into infarcted myocardium. Background: Scar tissue formation after myocardial infarction creates a barrier that severely compromises tissue regeneration, limiting potential functional recovery. Methods: In vitro: A tricell patch (Tri-P) was created from peritoneum seeded and cultured with induced pluripotent stem cellderived cardiomyocytes, endothelial cells, and mouse embryonic fibroblasts. The expression of fibrosis-related molecules from mouse embryonic fibroblasts and infarcted heart was measured by Western blot and quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. In vivo: A Tri-P was affixed over the entire infarcted area 7 days after myocardial infarction in mice overexpressing adenylyl cyclase 6 (AC6). Engraftment efficiency of progenitor cells in hearts of AC6 mice was compared with that of control wild-type (WT) mice using a combination of in vivo bioluminescence imaging, post-mortem ex vivo tissue analysis, and the number of green fluorescent proteinpositive cells. Echocardiography of left ventricular (LV) function was performed weekly. Hearts were harvested for analysis 4 weeks after Tri-P application. Mouse embryonic fibroblasts were stimulated with forskolin before an anoxia/reoxygenation protocol. Fibrosis-related molecules were analyzed. Results: In AC6 mice, infarcted hearts treated with Tri-P showed significantly higher bioluminescence imaging intensity and numbers of green fluorescent proteinpositive cells than in WT mice. LV function improved progressively in AC6 mice from weeks 2 to 4 and was associated with reduced LV fibrosis. Conclusions: Application of a Tri-P in AC6 mice resulted in significantly higher induced pluripotent stem cell engraftment accompanied by angiomyogenesis in the infarcted area and improvement in LV function.
Correspondence Address: Wang, Y.; Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, College of Medicine, University of Cincinnati Medical Center, 231 Albert Sabin Way, Cincinnati, OH 45267-0529, United States; email:yi-gang.wang@uc.edu

学科代码:心血管病学   关键词:
来源: 国际医学期刊
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