
The association between anomalous self-experience and suicidality in first-episode schizophrenia seems mediated by depression
2012-09-26 11:35点击:49次发表评论
作者:" Elisabeth Hauga, Corresponding author contact 【View at publisher】 【全球专家评论】
期刊: Compr Psychiatry2012年1月5期53卷 专家评级:★★ 循证评级:C


A recent hypothesis is that suicidality in schizophrenia may be linked to the patients' altered basic self-awareness or sense of self, termed self-disorders (SDs).


The aim of the study was to investigate whether SDs in first-episode schizophrenia spectrum disorders are related to suicidality and whether this relationship is independent of or mediated by depression or other standard clinical measures.


Self-disorders were assessed in 49 patients with first-episode schizophrenia by means of the Examination of Anomalous Self-Experience (EASE) instrument. Symptoms severity and functioning were assessed using the Structured Clinical Interview for the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale, Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia, and Global Assessment of Functioning-Split Version. Suicidality was measured by the Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia item 8.


Analyses detected a significant association between current suicidality, current depression, and SDs as measured by the EASE. The effect of SDs on suicidal ideation appeared to be mediated by depression.


The interaction between anomalous self-experiences and depression could be a rational clinical target for the prevention of suicidality in the early phases of schizophrenia and supports the rationale for including assessment of SDs in early intervention efforts

学科代码:精神病学   关键词:首次发生精神分裂症的患者的异常自我体验与自杀之间的关联似乎由
来源: Eclips
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