

FDA approves novel insomnia drug suvorexant
来源:爱思唯尔 2014-08-15 13:57点击次数:5020发表评论





默克于2012年提交了批准申请。2013年5月,FDA外周与中枢神经系统药品专家委员会对该公司建议的起始剂量的安全性提出质疑。数月后,FDA建议默克公司对大多数患者的起始剂量设定为10 mg。


目前,据FDA药品评价与研究中心药品评价I室主任Ellis Unger博士称,“FDA批准了4种规格——5、10、15和20 mg的Belsomra。”Unger博士在声明中指出,“使用最小有效剂量可减少副作用风险,如次日早晨的困倦。”

FDA和默克公司称,每晚仅需在睡前半小时至起床前至少7小时内服用suvorexant 1片,每天不得超过20 mg。

困倦是最常见的副作用。在FDA要求开展的次日驾驶行为研究中,服用20 mg的患者能力受损。FDA称,应警告服用20 mg的患者次日勿从事驾驶或任何需要警觉的活动。





By: ALICIA AULT, Internal Medicine News Digital Network

The Food and Drug Administration has approved a new type of insomnia drug, the orexin receptor antagonist suvorexant (Belsomra).

It is the first drug in the class to be approved. Suvorexant blocks the binding of orexin A and B neuropeptides to orexin receptors, presumably inhibiting activation of neurons to the arousal system.

But it will not be available until the Drug Enforcement Administration makes a final determination of where it should fit on the schedule of controlled products. The FDA recommended scheduling, and the DEA proposed earlier this year that it receive a schedule IVclassification under the Controlled Substances Act, according to suvorexant maker Merck.

The company said it expects suvorexant to be available in late 2014 or early 2015.

Merck had applied for approval in 2012. In May 2013, the FDA’s Peripheral and Central Nervous System Drugs Advisory Committee had questions about the safety of the company’s proposed starting doses. A few months later, the FDA advised Merck that it should make 10 mg the starting dose for most patients.

The company had not been prepared to manufacture that dose, so went back to work and created several new tablets.

Now, according to Dr. Ellis Unger, director of the Office of Drug Evaluation I in the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, "the FDA has approved Belsomra in four different strengths – 5, 10, 15, and 20 milligrams." Dr. Unger, in a statement, noted that "Using the lowest effective dose can reduce the risk of side effects, such as next-morning drowsiness."

The agency and the company say that suvorexant should only be taken once per night, within a half hour of going to bed and at least 7 hours before the person plans to wake up. Patients should not take more than 20 mg a day.

Drowsiness was the most common side effect. In FDA-required studies of next-day driving performance, patients who took 20 mg had impaired performance. Patients who take 20 mg should be warned about driving or conducting any activities that require mental alertness the next day, said the agency.

The drug also has the potential to lead to what the FDA calls "sleep-driving and other complex behaviors while not being fully awake," including preparing and eating food, making phone calls, or having sex. Patients and their families are urged to call their physician if that type of behavior is observed.

Suvorexant will be dispensed with a Medication Guide for patients that details safety information.

Although the drug was studied in three trials, none involved a comparison with other approved insomnia drugs, so its comparative effectiveness is not known, the FDA said. 

学科代码:神经病学   关键词:FDA批准新型催眠药物suvorexant ,新闻 爱思唯尔医学网, Elseviermed
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