

Neither perioperative aspirin nor clonidine prevents MI
来源:爱思唯尔 2014-04-09 15:24点击次数:2058发表评论

在美国心脏病学会2014年年会上,哈密尔顿(安大略省)总医院David Braley心脏、血管与卒中研究所人群健康研究中心的P. J. Devereaux博士及其同事报告了POISE-2 (围手术期缺血评估2)临床试验的结果:对于接受非心脏手术并且存在大血管并发症风险的患者,围手术期使用阿司匹林或可乐定均不能预防死亡或心肌梗死(MI)。

事实上,这两种预防性策略不仅没有保护作用,而且还会产生有害效应:阿司匹林会增加患者出现大出血的风险,可乐定则会增加患者出现具有重要临床意义的低血压、心动过缓或非致命性MI的风险。POISE-2试验的结果于2014年3月31日同步在线发表在《新英格兰医学杂志》(New England Journal of Medicine)上[doi:10/1056. NEJMoa1401105] 和 [doi:10/1056. NEJMoa1401106])。




该试验总共纳入了来自23个国家135家医院的10,010例患者,按是否已经开始每日预防性使用阿司匹林对受试者进行分层。在双盲状态下将受试者随机分配至接受围手术期阿司匹林(4,998例)或安慰剂(5,012 例),以及围手术期可乐定(5,009 例)或安慰剂(5,001例)。受试者的平均年龄为68.6岁,男性占52.8%。由于血管病疾病病史;年龄大;需要透析;吸烟;或者合并了糖尿病、心衰、一过性脑缺血发作或高血压,大部分受试者都存在出现大血管并发症的风险。受试者接受的手术类型包括普外科、骨科、泌尿外科、妇科、血管外科和胸外科手术。












Prashant Vaishnava博士和Kim A. Eagle博士说,围手术期MI可能存在多种机制,有的机制可能还相互对立,包括出血过多、体液大幅转移、顽固性心动过速、固定性冠脉阻塞引起的心肌压力、严重低血压或高血压、冠脉斑块破裂以及冠脉痉挛等等。



Prashant Vaishnava博士和Kim A. Eagle博士来自美国密歇根大学卫生系统SamuelJean A. Frankel心血管中心。他们声明无潜在利益冲突。上述内容摘自POISE-2试验报告的随刊评论(New Engl. J. Med. 2014 March 31 [doi:10.1056/NEJMe1402976])


Neither perioperative aspirin therapy nor perioperative clonidine prevented death or MI in patients undergoing noncardiac surgery who were at risk for major vascular complications, according to data reported at the annual meeting of the American College of Cardiology.

Far from being protective, both preventive strategies exerted harmful effects: Aspirin raised the risk of major bleeding, and clonidine increased the risks of clinically important hypotension, bradycardia, and nonfatal MI, said Dr. P. J. Devereaux of the Population Health Research Institute, David Braley Cardiac, Vascular, and Stroke Research Institute, Hamilton (Ont.) General Hospital, and his associates in the POISE-2 (Perioperative Ischemic Evaluation 2) clinical trial.

The POISE-2 findings were simultaneously reported online in the New England Journal of Medicine 2014 March 31 [doi:10/1056. NEJMoa1401105] and [doi:10/1056.

MI is the most common major vascular complication related to noncardiac surgery, and perioperative aspirin is thought to prevent it by inhibiting thrombus formation. At present, one-third of patients at risk for vascular complications receive perioperative aspirin even though the risks and benefits of this preventive strategy are uncertain.

Similarly, small trials have indicated that the antihypertensive agent clonidine, an alpha2 adrenergic agonist, reduces the risk of myocardial ischemia without inducing hemodynamic instability when given to at-risk patients undergoing noncardiac surgery, which in turn may prevent MI and death. Clonidine has additional analgesic, anxiolytic, antishivering, and anti-inflammatory effects that may be helpful.

The POISE-2 trial was designed to determine whether either of these approaches was more effective than placebo at preventing the composite endpoint of MI or death within 30 days of surgery.

A total of 10,010 patients were enrolled at 135 hospitals in 23 countries, stratified by whether they were already taking daily aspirin prophylaxis, and randomly assigned in a double-blind fashion to receive either perioperative aspirin (4,998 subjects) or placebo (5,012 subjects), and to receive either perioperative clonidine (5,009 subjects) or placebo (5,001 subjects). The mean age of these participants was 68.6 years, and 52.8% were men. Most were at risk because of their history of vascular disease; advanced age; need for dialysis; smoking status; or comorbid diabetes, heart failure, transient ischemic attack, or hypertension.

The types of surgery they underwent included general, orthopedic, urologic, gynecologic, vascular, and thoracic procedures.

The primary outcome of death or MI occurred in 7% of the aspirin group and 7.1% of the placebo group, a nonsignificant difference. The risks of other adverse outcomes, including stroke, cardiac revascularization, pulmonary embolism, acute kidney injury, and deep vein thrombosis, also were not significantly different between the two groups.

Median length of hospital stay and length of ICU and CCU stays also were not significantly different between patients who received aspirin and those who received placebo. However, aspirin raised the risk of major bleeding (4.6%), compared with placebo (3.8%), for a hazard ratio of 1.23. The most common sites of bleeding were the surgical site and the GI tract.

These effects were consistent across all subgroups of patients. In particular, they were the same whether the patients were already taking daily prophylactic aspirin therapy.

Clonidine also did not prevent death or MI within 30 days, compared with placebo; the rates were 7.3% and 6.8%, respectively. The risks of other adverse outcomes also were not significantly different between the two groups, nor were lengths of hospital, ICU, or CCU stays. However, clonidine raised the risk of clinically important hypotension (47.6% vs. 37.1%), clinically important bradycardia (12% vs. 8.1%), and nonfatal cardiac arrest (0.3% vs. 0.1%).

These effects were consistent across all subgroups of patients. In particular, clonidine was no more beneficial than was placebo in patients who underwent vascular surgery, a subgroup in whom previous, smaller studies found the drug to protect against both MI and mortality.

POISE-2 was not designed to determine why aspirin wasn’t effective at preventing perioperative MI, but Dr. Devereaux and his associates offered three possible explanations. First, MI was associated with major bleeding, and aspirin raises the risk of this complication. "It is possible that aspirin prevented some perioperative MI through thrombus inhibition [but] caused some MIs through bleeding and the subsequent mismatch between the supply of and the demand for myocardial oxygen, thus resulting in the overall neutral effect in our study," they said.

Second, the heart rate findings couldn’t statistically rule out a possible moderate beneficial effect of aspirin therapy. And third, it is possible that coronary-artery thrombus isn’t the dominant mechanism of perioperative MI, and aspirin’s antithrombotic effect didn’t address this unknown dominant mechanism.

Similarly, it is not known why clonidine failed to be protective, but the investigators offered two possible reasons. First, the drug induced hypotension, which raises the risk of perioperative MI. And second, it also induced bradycardia, which may be a proxy for an overall adverse effect on heart rate control; this also can increase the risk of perioperative MI, they said.

The POISE-2 trial was supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia, and the Spanish Ministry of Health and Social Policy. Bayer Pharma provided the aspirin used in the study, and Boehringer Ingelheim provided the clonidine and some funding. Dr. Devereaux reported ties to Abbott, Bayer Pharma, Boehringer Ingelheim, Covidien, Roche, and Stryker and; some of his associates reported ties to several industry sources.

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Complex mechanisms underlie perioperative MI

Myriad, and sometimes opposing, mechanisms contribute to perioperative MI, including excess bleeding, dramatic fluid shifts, unrelenting tachycardia, myocardial stress with fixed coronary obstruction, profound hypo- or hypertension, coronary plaque rupture, and coronary spasm, said Dr. Prashant Vaishnava and Dr. Kim A. Eagle.

So it shouldn’t be surprising that a medical therapy aimed at one of these mechanisms may actually augment a different mechanism, and end up raising MI risk. "Aspirin may reduce coronary thrombosis at the expense of excess bleeding; clonidine may reduce hypertensive swings only to be countered by clinically important hypotension," they noted.

On balance, the POISE-2 results provide cogent evidence against the use of either perioperative aspirin or clonidine.

Dr. Vaishnava and Dr. Eagle are at the Samuel and Jean A. Frankel Cardiovascular Center at the University of Michigan Health System, Ann Arbor. They reported no potential conflicts of interest. These remarks were taken from their editorial accompanying the POISE-2 trial reports (New Engl. J. Med. 2014 March 31 [doi:10.1056/NEJMe1402976]).

学科代码:内科学 心血管病学 骨科学 外科学 血液病学 整形外科学   关键词:阿司匹林 可乐定 围手术期使 心肌梗死
来源: 爱思唯尔
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