

Peginterferon beta-1a approved for treating relapsing MS
来源:爱思唯尔 2014-08-22 13:39点击次数:2683发表评论



声明指出,该公司将以商品名Plegridy上市该药物。推荐剂量为每14天皮下注射125 μg,可采用预装药品注射器或该公司新上市的自助注射器(Plegridy 笔)给药。






与该产品相关的严重不良事件应通过800-332-1088或www. fda.gov/medwatch报告至FDA。

By: ELIZABETH MECHCATIE, Internal Medicine News Digital Network

Peginterferon beta-1a has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for treating relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis, based on the results of the ADVANCE trial, the manufacturer, Biogen Idec, announced on August 15.

This is the only pegylated interferon approved for treating relapsing MS, according to a statement from the company.

Biogen Idec will be marketing the drug as Plegridy. The recommended dose is 125 mcg administered subcutaneously every 14 days. It can be administered with a prefilled syringe or a new autoinjector the company is marketing as the Plegridy Pen, according to the statement.

The approval is based on the results of the ADVANCE study, a randomized, double-blind, phase III, 2-year study of about 1,516 patients with relapsing MS, which was placebo-controlled during the first year. The annualized relapse rate, the primary outcome, was reduced by 36% among those treated with peginterferon beta-1a, compared with those on placebo, a statistically significant difference.

Secondary outcomes including the proportion of patients who relapsed, which was reduced by 19%, compared with placebo; the mean number of new or newly enlarging T2 hyperintense lesions, which was reduced by 67%, compared with placebo; and the mean number of new gadolinium-enhancing lesions, which was reduced by 86%, compared with placebo.

Injection-site erythema, influenzalike illness, fever, headache, myalgia, chills, injection site pain, asthenia, injection site pruritus, and arthralgia were the most common adverse events associated with treatment, affecting at least 10% of treated patients and occurring at a rate that was at least 2% greater than among those on placebo, according to the prescribing information.

Postmarketing studies that the company will be required to conduct include a pediatric study and a registry study in the United States that will compare the maternal, fetal, and infant outcomes, including birth defects, of women with MS who are treated with peginterferon beta-1a during pregnancy against women with MS who are not treated with the drug during pregnancy and women who do not have MS.

The product has already been approved in Europe.

Serious adverse events associated with this product should be reported to the FDA at 800-332-1088 or www. fda.gov/medwatch.

学科代码:神经病学 药学   关键词:聚乙二醇干扰素β-1a;复发性MS ,新闻 爱思唯尔医学网, Elseviermed
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