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Think Fungi in Cases of Poorly Controlled Asthma
来源:EGMN 2012-06-28 13:35点击次数:41发表评论


人们最近才开始认识真菌致敏的重度哮喘(SAFS)。在成人中,研究者已发现SAFS对口服伊曲康唑有应答(Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 2009;179:11-8)。

纽约Cohen儿童医疗中心的Alfin G. Vicencio 博士在美国胸科学会(ATS)年会上指出,SAFS也可发生在儿童中。

研究者招募了41例患有重度哮喘的儿童、青少年和年轻成人(年龄2~21岁),这些患者均曾接受4级或更高级别联合抗哮喘治疗而失败。研究者发现其中17例(41.5%)患者的血清真菌IgE水平高于100 IU/ml并且有真菌致敏的放射过敏原吸附或皮肤点刺试验证据,提示为SAFS。




迄今为止,Vicencio 博士已采用伊曲康唑治疗了十余例儿科SAFS患者。“大约一半患儿治疗效果良好,其哮喘得到了更有效控制,我们还观察到了一些肺功能改善。他们的IgE水平是可变的,有些急剧下降,有些则没有。总体而言,真菌致敏是重度难治性哮喘的一个危险因素,我们相信抗真菌药物对某些患者是有益的。”




基因分型也在进行中,以了解这些患者是否存在CHIT1基因突变,CHIT1是一种编码壳三糖酶的基因,而壳三糖酶是在哺乳动物中发现的一种天然抗真菌物质。在Vicencio博士此前已发表的一项系列病例研究中,6例儿科SAFS患者被发现携带这一突变。在3例接受伊曲康唑治疗的患儿中,2例应答良好,1例应答“极好”(Pediatrics 2010;126:e982-5)。



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SAN FRANCISCO (EGMN)–Underlying pulmonary fungal colonization or infection may be the reason that some children with severe asthma don’t respond fully to conventional treatments.

Severe asthma with fungal sensitization (SAFS) has been recognized only recently. In adults, SAFS has been found to respond to oral itraconazole (Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 2009;179:11-8).

SAFS also occurs in children, according to Dr. Alfin G. Vicencio, chief of pediatric pulmonology and cystic fibrosis at Cohen Children’s Medical Center in New Hyde Park, New York, and his colleagues.

The researchers looked at 41 children, teens, and young adults (aged 2-21 years) with severe asthma who were failing level 4 or greater combination asthma therapy, and found that 17 (41.5%) had serum fungal IgE levels above 100 IU/mL and evidence of fungal sensitization on radioallergosorbent or skin-prick tests, indicating SAFS.

Eleven (65%) of those patients were sensitive to more than one fungal species. Aspergillus was the most commonly implicated species, followed by Alternaria, Candida, Cladosporium, Setomelanomma, Mucor, and Penicillium, Dr. Vicencio said at an international conference of the American Thoracic Society.

Boys and girls were affected equally, but SAFS patients tended to be older and have worse results on pulmonary function tests (PFTs) than their peers did, with forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) at 73.33% of predicted, for instance, compared with 91.60% in those without SAFS. Some of the children who didn’t meet the criteria for SAFS diagnosis had high IgE levels but no evidence of fungal sensitization, or evidence of fungal sensitivity but normal IgE levels.

“The contribution of fungi to poorly controlled asthma in children is likely to be underestimated, as is the number of patients who might benefit from antifungal therapy,” Dr. Vicencio said.

So far, he’s treated about a dozen pediatric SAFS patients with itraconazole. “About half of them have done very well. Their asthma is better controlled. We have documented some PFT improvements. Their IgE levels are variable; some of them are dropping dramatically, and some are not,” he said.

Overall, “what it looks like is that fungal sensitization is a risk factor for severe persistent disease. We do believe that there is going to be a role for antifungal agents in certain select populations,” he said.

The ongoing series now includes about 60 children with severe, poorly controlled asthma. “Something on the order of 60% actually have fungal sensitization,” Dr. Vicencio said.

Sputum testing or bronchoalveolar lavage is planned to see if young SAFS patients actually have fungus in their lungs.

Genotyping is also underway to see if these patients have a mutation in the CHIT1 gene, which encodes for chitotriosidase, a kind of natural antifungal found in mammals. Dr. Vicencio has published a case series in which the mutation was present in six pediatric SAFS patients tested for it. Of the three treated with itraconazole, two responded well and one responded “dramatically” (Pediatrics 2010;126:e982-5).

About a third of the general population has the mutation, and it doesn’t cause disease in most. However, in someone with asthma and fungal exposure, “we believe the mutation” might cause “a perfect storm for asthma,” he said.

Dr. Vicencio said he has no relevant disclosures.

学科代码:呼吸病学 传染病学 变态反应、哮喘病与免疫学   关键词:美国胸科学会年会 真菌致敏的重度哮喘
来源: EGMN
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