
Hemiparesis after operation of astrocytoma grade II in adults: Effects of acupuncture on sensory-motor behavior and quality of life
作者:Yu, H. , Schröder, S. , Liu, Y. , Li, Z. , Yang, Y
机构: 深圳市中医院
期刊: Evid Based Complement Alternat Med2013年6月期2013卷

Shenzhen Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Shenzhen City, Guangdong 518033, China


To evaluate the effect of acupuncture on hemiparesis and quality of life for adults with brain astrocytoma grade II, we conducted a randomized, observer-blinded clinical trial. Fifty-eight patients were randomized to standard rehabilitation (SR) therapy without acupuncture (n=20), SR plus standard acupuncture (SA) (n=19), and SR plus individualized acupuncture (IA) (n=19). SA points were PC6, SP6, HT1, LU5, BL40, and ST36, while a special concept called "connecting and regulation Ren and Du" and "Jin-3-needling" served as IA. This treatment was individualized according to the clinical syndrome. The outcome was measured by the Barthel Index (BI), the Fugl-Meyer scale (FM), and the EORTC Core Quality of Life Questionnaire (QLQ-C30) with the Brain Cancer Module (BCM20). IA + SR reached significantly higher BI scores than SA + SR, which reached significantly higher BI scores than SR. IA + SR was significantly superior to SA + SR and to SR at the 8th week for the scores of FM motor and sensory assessments and most QLQ-C30-BCM20 items. In conclusion, the individualized acupuncture concept of "connecting and regulating Ren and Du" combined with "Jin-3-needling" offers a promising possibility for the treatment of hemiparesis due to astrocytoma, but further evaluation is mandatory.



通讯作者:Liu, Y.; Shenzhen Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Shenzhen City, Guangdong 518033, China; email:medical_study@163.com
学科代码:补充和替代医学   关键词:astrocytoma grade II in adults
来源: Scopus
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