
Association between KCNQ1 genetic variants and obesity in Chinese patients with type 2 diabetes
2012-09-26 16:45点击:53次发表评论
作者:Yu, W.a, Ma, R.C.b, Hu, C.a, So, W.Y.b, Zhang, R.a
机构: 上海交通大学附属第六人民医院内分泌代谢科 上海市糖尿病研究所
期刊: DIABETOLOGIA2012年10月10期55卷

Jia, W.; Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Shanghai Diabetes Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Affiliated Sixth People's Hospital, 600 Yishan Road, Shanghai 200233, China; email:wpjia@sjtu.edu.cn

Aims/hypothesis: There is evidence of overlap between susceptibility loci for type 2 diabetes and obesity. The aim of this study is to explore the association between the established type 2 diabetes locus KCNQ1 and obesity in Han Chinese. Methods: We recruited 6,667 and 6,606 diabetic case-control samples from Shanghai and Hong Kong, respectively. Of the samples, 7.5% and 6.3% were excluded because of genotyping failure or data missing in the association analyses of rs2237892 and rs2237895 with obesity/BMI, respectively. Results: We found that rs2237892 was associated with lower BMI and lower incidence of overweight/obesity in diabetic patients from Hong Kong (BMI, β∈=∈-0.0060 per diabetes risk C allele for log 10BMI [95% CI -0.0088, -0.0032; p∈=∈2.83∈×∈10 -5]; overweight/obesity, OR 0.880 for C allele [95% CI 0.807, 0.960; p∈=∈0.004]) and in the meta-analysis of cases from the two regions (BMI, combined β∈=∈-0.0048 per C allele for log 10BMI [95% CI -0.0070, -0.0026; p∈=∈2.20∈×∈10 -5]; overweight/obesity, combined OR 0.890 for C allele [95% CI 0.830, 0.955; p∈=∈0.001]). rs2237895 was also related to decreased BMI (combined β∈=∈-0.0042 per diabetes risk C allele for log 10BMI [95% CI -0.0062, -0.0022; p∈=∈4.30∈×∈10 -5]). A significant association with waist circumference was detected for rs2237892 in the pooled analyses (β∈=∈-0.0026 per C allele for log 10[waist circumference] [95% CI -0.0045, -0.0007; p∈=∈0.007]). However, neither an association with the risk of being overweight or obese nor associations with quantitive traits were detected for rs2237892 or rs2237895 in controls. Conclusion: Our findings indicate that KCNQ1 is associated with obesity in Chinese patients with type 2 diabetes. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.

Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Shanghai Diabetes Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Affiliated Sixth People's Hospital, 600 Yishan Road, Shanghai 200233, China

通讯作者:Jia, W.; Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Shanghai Diabetes Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Affiliated Sixth People's Hospital, 600 Yishan Road, Shanghai 200233, China; email:wpjia@sjtu.edu.cn
学科代码:内分泌学与糖尿病   关键词:KCNQ1遗传突变与中国2性糖尿病患者肥胖的相关性
来源: Scopus
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