
MiR-223 downregulation promotes glomerular endothelial cell activation by upregulating importin 4 and 5 in IgA nephropathy
作者:Bao, H. | Chen, H. | Zhu, X. | Yao, G. | Yu, Y. | Qin, W. | Zeng, C. | Zen, K. | Liu, Z.
机构: 南京大学医学院 南京军区总医院肾病研究所
期刊: KIDNEY INT2014年3月3期85卷


Lipoprotein glomerulopathy is a rare inherited renal disease, caused by mutation of the APOE gene, characterized by proteinuria and nephrotic syndrome with elevated serum apoE. Since its treatment and outcome are unknown, we retrospectively studied 35 patients within 31 unrelated Han families with biopsy-proven lipoprotein glomerulopathy residing in the same county in southwest China. DNA sequencing detected the APOE Kyotomutation (p. Arg25Cys) in all patients and 28 asymptomatic relatives. All shared the same ɛ3 allele. The patients presented with proteinuria, higher total triglyceride, and serum apoE levels relative to non-carriers. The serum apoE and triglyceride levels of asymptomatic carriers were between those of the patients and non-carriers. Sixteen patients received fenofibrate treatment for over 12 months. Six reached complete remission (proteinuria under 0.3 g/day with stable serum creatinine) with intensive control of their lipid profile (normalized serum apoE and triglycerides under 100 mg/dl). Eight reached partial remission. At 3 years of follow-up, patients treated with fenofibrate had superior survival and stable renal function. Thus, fenofibrate can induce lipoprotein glomerulopathy remission and the fibrate effects depend on the degree of lipid control and baseline proteinuria. Moreover, normalization of serum apoE and triglycerides can be used to judge the efficacy of lipid-lowering treatment.

通讯作者:Research Institute of Nephrology, Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University School of Medicine, 305 East Zhong Shan Road, Nanjing 210002, China
学科代码:肾脏病学 泌尿外科学   关键词:IgA肾病
来源: Scopus
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