
NSD2 Is recruited through Its PHD domain to oncogenic gene loci to drive multiple myeloma
作者:Huang, Z., Wu, H., Chuai, S., Xu, F., Yan, F., Englund, N., Wang, Z., Zhang, H., Fang, M., Wang, Y., Gu, J., Zhang, M., Yang, T., Zhao, K., Yu, Y., Dai, J., Yi, W., Zhou, S., Li, Q., Wu, J., Liu, J., Wu, X., Chan, H., Lu, C., Atadja, P., Li, E., Wang, Y. , Hu, M.
机构: 诺华生物医学研究所
期刊: CANCER RES2013年10月20期73卷


Histone lysine methyltransferase NSD2 (WHSC1/MMSET) is overexpressed frequently in multiple myeloma due to the t(4;14) translocation associated with 15% to 20% of cases of this disease. NSD2 has been found to be involved in myelomagenesis, suggesting it may offer a novel therapeutic target. Here we show that NSD2 methyltransferase activity is crucial for clonogenicity, adherence, and proliferation of multiple myeloma cells on bone marrow stroma in vitro and that NSD2 is required for tumorigenesis of t(4;14)+ but not t(4;14)-multiple myeloma cells in vivo. The PHD domains in NSD2 were important for its cellular activity and biological function through recruiting NSD2 to its oncogenic target genes and driving their transcriptional activation. By strengthening its disease linkage and deepening insights into its mechanism of action, this study provides a strategy to therapeutically target NSD2 in multiple myeloma patients with a t(4;14) translocation.

通讯作者:Hu, M.; Novartis Institutes for Bio Medical Research (China), Lane 898 Halei Road, Shanghai 201203, China; email:min.hu@novartis.com
学科代码:肿瘤学   关键词:NSD2通过其PHD域聚集至致癌基因位点以诱发多发性骨髓瘤
来源: Scopus
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