骨关节炎发生和干预中的Wnt和Rho GTP酶信号转导:对诊断和治疗的意义

Wnt and Rho GTPase signaling in osteoarthritis development and intervention: Implications for diagnosis and therapy
作者:Zhu, S., Liu, H., Wu, Y., Heng, B.C., Chen, P., Liu, H., Ouyang, H.W.
机构: 浙江大学医学院干细胞与组织工程中心
期刊: ARTHRITIS RES THER2013年7月4 期15 卷



Wnt and Rho GTPase signaling play critical roles in governing numerous aspects of cell physiology, and have been shown to be involved in endochondral ossification and osteoarthritis (OA) development. In this review, current studies of canonical Wnt signaling in OA development, together with the differential roles of Rho GTPases in chondrocyte maturation and OA pathology are critically summarized. Based on the current scientific literature together with our preliminary results, the strategy of targeting Wnt and Rho GTPase for OA prognosis and therapy is suggested, which is instructive for clinical treatment of the disease.


通讯作者:Liu, H.; Center for Stem Cell and Tissue Engineering, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University, 866 Yu Hang Tang Road, Hangzhou 310058, China; email:hua94126@yahoo.com.cn
学科代码:风湿病学   关键词:Wnt; Rho GTPase
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