
Expression of Wnt pathway mediators in metaplasic tissue in animal model and clinical samples of tendinopathy
作者:Lui, P.P.Y., Lee, Y.W., Wong, Y.M., Zhang, X., Dai, K., Rolf, C.G.
机构: 香港医院管理局
期刊: RHEUMATOLOGY2013年9月9 期52 卷



Objective. Tissue metaplasia is observed in both ossified failed healing animal model and clinical samples of tendinopathy. The Wnt signalling pathway plays a vital role in pathological calcification. We hypothesized that the Wnt signalling pathway might contribute to tissue metaplasia and failed healing in tendinopathy. This study aimed to examine the spatial-temporal expression of Wnt pathway mediators in an ossified failed tendon healing animal model and clinical samples of tendinopathy. The effect of Wnt3a on the osteogenic differentiation of tendon-derived stem cells (TDSCs) was also examined.Methods. Ossified failed tendon healing was induced by the injection of collagenase into the patellar tendon of rats. At various times the tendons were harvested for immunohistochemical staining of Wnt3a, β-catenin, Lrp5 and Tcf1. Patellar tendon samples were obtained from 13 patients with patellar tendinopathy (11 unossified and 2 ossified) and 10 controls. Immunohistochemical staining of Wnt3a, β-catenin, Lrp5 and Tcf1 was similarly performed. Rat patellar TDSCs were treated with Wnt3a. The osteogenic differentiation of TDSCs was examined by ALP activity, alizarin red S staining and mRNA expression of osteogenic markers.Results. There was increased expression of Wnt3a, β-catenin, Lrp5 and Tcf1 in the healing fibroblast-like cells, chondrocyte-like cells and ossified deposits in the animal model and in some clinical samples of tendinopathy. Wnt3a increased ALP activity, calcium nodule formation and expression of osteogenic markers in TDSCs.Conclusion. Activation of the Wnt signalling pathway and its effect on TDSCs might contribute to tissue metaplasia and failed healing in some cases of tendinopathy.


通讯作者:Lui, P.P.Y.; Headquarters, Hospital Authority, 9/F, Rumsey Str. Multi-Storey Carpark Bld. 2, Rumsey Str., Sheung Wan, Hong Kong; email:paulinelui00@gmail.com
学科代码:风湿病学   关键词:Metaplasia; Ossification; Tend
来源: Scopus
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