
Comparison of prediction error: Labeled versus unlabeled intraocular lens manufacturing tolerance
2012-07-25 09:25点击:101次发表评论
作者:" Noelle S. Matta, CO, CRC, COTCorresponding au 【View at publisher】 【全球专家评论】
期刊: J CATARACT REFR SURG2011年1月3期38卷 专家评级:★★ 循证评级:B


To compare the prediction error between intraocular lenses (IOLs) available in 0.25 diopter (D) increments with a labeled manufacturing tolerance and IOLs available in 0.50D increments without a labeled manufacturing tolerance.


Community-based multidisciplinary outpatient ophthalmic practices.


Comparative case series.


Eyes with cataract had implantation of an IOL available in 0.25D increments and labeled with a manufacturing tolerance of ±0.11D (labeled group) or an IOL available in 0.50D increments without a labeled manufacturing tolerance (unlabeled group). Postoperatively, the prediction error was calculated and compared between groups.


By the SRK/T formula, the mean error of prediction after optimization was −0.03D±0.35 (SD) in the labeled group and −0.05±0.46D in the unlabeled group (P=.64). The mean absolute error of prediction was statistically significantly smaller in the labeled group (0.26±0.23D) than in the unlabeled group (0.37±0.28D) (P=.04). The mean and absolute errors were not statistically significantly different with the Holladay 1 or Hoffer Q formula. Sixty-three percent of patients in the labeled group and 43% in the unlabeled group (P=.03) were within ±0.25D of the prediction error; 84% and 69%, respectively, were within ±0.50D (P=.06).


The IOLs available in 0.25D increments with a labeled manufacturing tolerance of ±0.11D increased the percentage of patients within ±0.25D of the targeted refraction to a statistically significant and clinically meaningful level compared with unlabeled IOLs available in 0.50D increments

学科代码:外科学 眼科学   关键词:预测误差的比较:专用与非专用人工晶状体制造公差的比较
来源: Eclips
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