
Belief in the harmfulness of antidepressants: Associated factors and change over 16years
2012-08-30 15:57点击:8次发表评论
作者:" Nicola J. ReavleyCorresponding author contact 【View at publisher】 【全球专家评论】
期刊: J Affect Disord2012年1月3期138卷 专家评级: 循证评级:B


Negative views of psychiatric medications are a common in many countries and efforts have been made to improve these. Relatively little is known of the changes in beliefs about harmfulness of antidepressant medications.


A 2011 national survey of 2024 Australian adults assessed beliefs about the helpfulness or harmfulness of antidepressants for a person who is depressed or depressed/suicidal and the associations with sociodemographic characteristics, exposure to depression, recognition of depression, and beliefs about other interventions, long-term outcomes, causes, and stigmatising attitudes. Changes in attitudes since previous surveys (conducted in 1995 and 2003/2004) were also assessed.


Approximately 20% of Australian adults believe that antidepressants would be harmful for a person who is depressed or depressed/suicidal. This group was more likely to be male, born overseas, have less exposure to depression, show poorer depression recognition, have less positive views about other standard interventions, be less pessimistic about long-term outcomes and have greater stigmatising attitudes. Comparison with previous surveys showed that overall belief in the harmfulness of antidepressants for depression decreased between 1995 and 2003/2004 and between 1995 and 2011, particularly in young people and in those with a lower level of education.


The study did not explore the reasons for belief in harmfulness.


Belief in the harmfulness of antidepressants for depression fell in the 16years prior to 2011. The higher proportions of males and those from non-English speaking backgrounds believing in harmfulness suggest that education about the role of antidepressants in the treatment of depression should focus on these groups

学科代码:精神病学   关键词:对于抗抑郁药物危害性的执念:相关因素及其16年来的改变
来源: Eclips
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