
A prospective open-label trial of quetiapine monotherapy in preschool and school age children with bipolar spectrum disorder
2012-08-30 15:59点击:8次发表评论
作者:" Gagan Joshia, b, Corresponding author contact 【View at publisher】 【全球专家评论】
期刊: J Affect Disord2012年1月3期136卷 专家评级:★★ 循证评级:B


Although bipolar disorder frequently onsets in the preschool years, treatment studies to guide management of these highly dysfunctional children are limited. This study evaluates the response to quetiapine monotherapy in preschool and school age children with bipolar spectrum disorder (BSD).


Two eight-week, prospective, open-label trials utilizing identical methodology to assess the effectiveness and tolerability of quetiapine monotherapy in the treatment of BSD in preschool (age 4–6years) and school age children (age 6–15years).


Forty-nine children (30 preschool and 19 school age) with BSD (Young Mania Rating Scale [YMRS] at entry: 34.5±5.5 and 30±6.5 respectively) were enrolled and 34 (20 preschool and 14 school age) completed the trial. Quetiapine was titrated to a mean endpoint dose of 175.8±63.8mg/day in preschool and 248.7±153.1mg/day in school age children. At endpoint, treatment with quetiapine was associated with similar and statistically significant improvement in mean YMRS scores in preschool (−14.5±11.5, p<0.001) and school age (−13±9.8, p<0.001) children. Quetiapine was generally well tolerated with treatment limiting adverse-events observed in 3/30 preschool and 1/19 school age children. Quetiapine monotherapy in preschool and school age children was associated with significant weight gain (+3.1±1.8 and +7.4±7.7lb respectively, p<0.001) and with clinically insignificant changes in vital signs.


As an uncontrolled study, the assessments were not blind to treatment and the effects of treatment cannot be separated from time.


Open-label quetiapine treatment was beneficial for the treatment of BSD in preschool and school age children. Further controlled trials are warranted.

学科代码:精神病学   关键词:一项单用喹硫平治疗学龄前和学龄双相谱系疾病患儿的前瞻性、开放
来源: Eclips
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