
Using the Antinuclear Antibody Test to Diagnose Rheumatic Diseases: When Does a Positive Test Warrant Further Investigation?
2012-09-06 16:20点击:306次发表评论
作者:Volkmann, Elizabeth R. MD; Taylor, Mihaela MD; Ben 【View at publisher】 【全球专家评论】
期刊: South Med J2012年1月2期105卷 专家评级:★★ 循证评级:D

The anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) test is ordered commonly as a screening test for rheumatic diseases. Although ANA positivity is highly sensitive for certain rheumatic diseases, the presence of ANA is nonspecific and can be associated with numerous nonrheumatic factors, including environmental exposures, malignancies, drugs, and infections. This article describes a practical approach for physicians when evaluating patients using a positive ANA test. In the absence of connective tissue disease symptoms, the ANA test has minimal clinical significance in diagnosing rheumatic diseases. Understanding how to use ANA test results appropriately may reduce unnecessary referrals and costly workups.

学科代码:病理学   关键词:采用抗核抗体试验诊断类风湿性疾病:什么情况下试验结果阳性需要
来源: Eclips
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