

Baseline Factors Trump Response to Therapy in Mastectomy Decisions
来源:EGMN 2012-10-19 10:22点击次数:186发表评论

维也纳——在欧洲肿瘤内科学会(ESMO)年会上报告的对Neo ALLTO试验数据的最新分析表明,是否行保乳手术(BCS)取决于患者基线特征,而非治疗应答效果。

米兰欧洲肿瘤研究所的Carmen Criscitiello博士报告称,基线时肿瘤多中心病灶/多灶性、受体状态以及确诊时计划手术类型均影响决定实施BCS还是乳房切除术。他呼吁大家对新辅助治疗应答患者行BCS达成明确共识,并最终将新辅助治疗的进步转化为保乳率的提高。


Criscitiello博士认为,新辅助治疗具有检测全身治疗的敏感性、降低肿瘤分期以便适合手术、消除微转移以及提高保乳率等多方面的潜在作用。因此,期望能够在Neo ALLTO [拉帕替尼和(或)曲妥珠单抗新辅助治疗方案优化试验]试验中看到BCS率有明显提高。


在该项研究中接受其他治疗方案患者的BCS率也与之相似,令研究者感到困惑。接受拉帕替尼+曲妥珠单抗+紫杉醇、曲妥珠单抗+紫杉醇、拉帕替尼+紫杉醇方案治疗的患者达到pCR的比例分别为51.3%、29.5%和24.7%,而BCS率分别仅为41.4%、38.9%和 42.9%。


分析结果显示,如果患者已经计划行保乳治疗,则更多选择BCS而非切除术,她们的肿瘤分期较低(T2 vs. T4),或者淋巴结状态分期较低(N0 vs. N+)。地理区域也较重要,发达国家患者比发展中国家患者更多选择保守治疗。相反,扩散程度严重、雌激素(ER)阴性以及残留病灶明显的患者更多选择切除术。



伦敦皇家马斯登NHS基金会乳腺癌科主任、肿瘤内科顾问Ian Smith博士评论道:“令人失望的是,我们取得了较高的应答率,但仍有许多患者接受了切除术。”他认为,最关键的问题是确认是否已出现了pCR。


Neo ALTTO试验由葛兰素史克制药资助,但该公司没有参与该项分析研究。Criscitiello博士无利益冲突披露。

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By: SARA FREEMAN, Ob.Gyn. News Digital Network

VIENNA – The decision to undergo breast-conserving surgery depends on baseline characteristics rather than response to therapy, according to a new analysis of data from a phase III trial comparing neoadjuvant regimens for early HER2-positive breast cancer.

Baseline multicentricity or multifocality of the tumor, receptor status, and the type of surgery planned at diagnosis all were found to influence the decision to undergo breast-conserving surgery (BCS) or mastectomy, investigators reported Sept. 30 at the European Society for Medical Oncology Congress.

"These results call for a clear consensus on the role of breast-conserving surgery in patients responding to neoadjuvant therapy," Dr. Carmen Criscitiello told attendees.

"This will ultimately translate the progress in neoadjuvant therapies into improved breast conservation rates," suggested Dr. Criscitiello of the European Institute of Oncology in Milan.

Puzzled by Low BCS Rates

Neoadjuvant therapy has several possible roles, including testing sensitivity to systemic therapy, downstaging tumors to make them operable, eliminating micrometastases, and increasing breast conservation rates, Dr. Criscitiello explained. It was therefore expected that BCS rates would increase significantly in the Neo ALLTO (Neoadjuvant Lapatinib and/or Trastuzumab Treatment Optimisation) trial.

Half of all patients treated with a dual HER2 blockade of lapatinib (Tykerb) and trastuzumab (Herceptin) in addition to paclitaxel achieved a pathological complete response (pCR) in the Neo ALLTO trial. Yet the majority (58.6%) went on to have a mastectomy rather than BCS.

This puzzled investigators, who saw similar BCS rates in patients treated with other regimens in the study. All told, a pCR was achieved by 51.3% of patients treated with lapatinib, trastuzumab, and paclitaxel; 29.5% of those treated with trastuzumab and paclitaxel; and 24.7% given lapatinib and paclitaxel. Yet the respective rates of BCS were 41.4%, 38.9%, and 42.9%.

To investigate why more women did not opt for BCS, the authors examined data on 429 women who had participated in the trial, excluding 26 who did not undergo breast surgery. The records were examined for baseline characteristics including age, multicentricity/multifocality, planned surgery at diagnosis, physical examination before surgery, imaging before surgery, tumor characteristics, and geographic region.

Women were more likely to have BCS than mastectomy if breast-conserving treatment was already planned, they had a lower (T2 vs. T4) tumor grade, or their nodal (N0 vs. N+) status was lower. Geographic location was also important, with women treated in developed countries more likely to have more conservative treatment than those in developing regions.

Conversely, women were more likely to have a mastectomy than BCS if they had more diffuse disease, were estrogen receptor (ER)-negative, and had residual palpable disease.

"Our study suggests that the decision of surgical treatment post neoadjuvant therapy is mainly based on baseline characteristics," Dr. Criscitiello said. The lower rate of BCS in developing countries could be due to the lack of available radiotherapy, she observed.

Identifying pCR Could Be Hitch

"It is disappointing that we get high remission rates and yet a lot of women still have mastectomy," Dr. Ian Smith, commented after hearing these data.

Dr. Smith, a consultant medical oncologist and head of the Breast Unit at the Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust in London, noted that a key problem is identifying whether or not a pCR has occurred.

学科代码:肿瘤学 妇产科学   关键词:欧洲肿瘤内科学会(ESMO)年会 乳房切除术决策的影响因素
来源: EGMN
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