

World Arthritis Day Pushes 'Get Fit' Message
来源:EGMN 2012-10-12 16:06点击次数:930发表评论

2012年10月12日是第16个世界关节炎日。今年的主题是“运动促改善(Move to Improve)”,旨在提醒医生和患者重视定期锻炼在关节炎治疗中的益处。





CDC表示,体力活动还有助于关节炎患者应付其他的慢性疾病,例如糖尿病和心脏病。医生们正在越来越多地督促患者健身,尤其是慢性病患者。CDC对所有成年人(包括关节炎患者)建议,应每周锻炼至少2.5 h(或者30 分钟,每周5次),如有必要可分解为10~15分钟的片段,在一天中合适的时间进行锻炼。


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By: FRANCES CORREA, Internal Medicine News Digital Network

Oct. 12, 2012, marks the 16th annual World Arthritis Day. This year’s theme – "Move to Improve" – aims to remind both physicians and patients of the benefits of regular exercise in the management of arthritis.

The emphasis on exercise echoes the recommendations earlier this year from the American College of Rheumatology that physicians should counsel people with osteoarthritis to exercise as part of their therapy. These benefits include reducing pain, delaying disability, and improving mobility, function, and mood, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Arthritis is the most-common cause of disability in the United States, according to the CDC. By 2030, the agency projects that 67 million persons will be affected by arthritis and, among those, 25 million will be limited in their usual activities because of the disease. Exercise has the benefit of helping patients limit their disability, although some patients may be concerned, wrongly, that exercise may worsen their symptoms.

All forms of arthritis are associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular disease, with a recent report linking osteoarthritis to a higher risk for heart disease.

Other research has shown gout to increase the risk for heart disease, and the link between rheumatoid arthritis and earlier onset of ischemic heart disease is well established.

Physical activity also can help people with arthritis to manage other chronic conditions, like diabetes and heart disease, according to the CDC. Physicians have been increasingly pushing patients, especially those with chronic conditions, to get fit. The CDC recommends that all adults, including those with arthritis, exercise at least 2.5 hours of exercise weekly (or 30 minutes, 5 times a week), spread out in 10-to-15-minute segments throughout the day, if necessary.

Established in 1996, by Arthritis and Rheumatism International (ARI), World Arthritis Day is celebrated every Oct. 12. Its themes change regularly and this is the second time it has highlighted the benefits of exercise. Previous themes include "Let’s Work Together," in 2009, which focused on work-related challenges, such as working from home and paid employment. Nearly 50 million adults and 300,000 children have some form or arthritis or other rheumatic condition, making arthritis the most common cause of disability in the United States, according to the CDC.

学科代码:内科学 骨科学 风湿病学 麻醉与疼痛治疗 运动医学   关键词:世界关节炎日
来源: EGMN
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