

Pediatric Cardiologist: Routine ECGs Unneeded for Kids on ADHD Meds
来源:EGMN 2012-12-04 09:36点击次数:623发表评论

新奥尔良——美国克利夫兰彩虹儿童医院的小儿心脏病专家Christopher Snyder博士在美国儿科学会(AAP)年会上称,除非具有心脏病风险因素或早发型心脏病家族史,否则因注意力缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)而服用兴奋性药物的学生运动员或儿童没有必要进行常规心电图(ECG)检查。



不过对于儿童开始服用兴奋性药物时是否进行ECG检查并非如此明确。没有证据表明这些儿童必须进行ECG检查,也没有证据显示ADHD药物可导致心脏问题,尽管这些药物有可能引起血压轻微升高约1 mmHg以及心率稍微加快(约1次/分钟)。虽有心源性猝死报告且与ADHD药物存在关联,但从未证实两者之间存在任何因果关系。

AHA 的2008年ADHD药物治疗心脏筛查推荐意见,导致了人们对这些儿童进行ECG检查的必要性出现困惑。虽然ECG检查并非强制性要求,而是由医生自行决定,但该指南认为ECG检查可提高任何心脏风险筛查的准确性。






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By: MICHELE G. SULLIVAN, Cardiology News Digital Network

NEW ORLEANS – An electrocardiogram isn’t necessary for student athletes or children taking stimulant medications for attention disorders unless the child has cardiac risk factors or a family history of early-onset heart disease.

ECGs are not always easy to obtain, and they cost parents money, time, and anxiety, Dr. Christopher Snyder said at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Pediatrics. To be really useful, he said, they should be read by a pediatric cardiologist – a specialist in remarkably short supply.
"Just don’t do it. You don’t need to do it!" said Dr. Snyder, a pediatric cardiologist at the Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital in Cleveland.

The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends against routine ECGs in student athletes. The only children who really need the test before playing sports are those with a family or personal history of specific cardiac findings, including:

·Unexplained fainting.

·Excessive fatigue with exercise.

·Abnormal blood pressure.

·Heart murmur.

·A relative who developed or died from heart disease at younger than 50 years.

·Signs of Marfan syndrome.

High school and college athletes should receive a biennial 12-item exam focused on personal and family findings, with a preparticipation history taken between the screenings, the guideline states.

Things aren’t quite so clear-cut with regard to ECGs for children beginning a stimulant medication. "There is no evidence that this is needed, but we do it because we think we should," Dr. Snyder said. Medications for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) "have never been shown to cause heart problems, although there might be a slight increase in blood pressure of about 1 mm Hg and a slight increase in heart rate – about 1 beat per minute. Sudden cardiac death has been reported and linked to ADHD medications, but it’s never been proven to have any causal association."

The AHA’s 2008 ADHD medication cardiac screening recommendation contributed to the confusion about the necessity of an ECG for these children, Dr. Snyder said. "It’s not mandatory, and it’s left to the physician’s discretion," but the guideline suggests that an ECG will strengthen the accuracy of any cardiac risk screening.

The minimal screen before starting a stimulant medication should include looking for cardiac structural abnormalities, heart murmurs, hypertension, palpitations, arrhythmia, syncope, signs of Marfan syndrome, and family history, the guideline noted. But, it added, "Some of the cardiac conditions associated with sudden cardiac death might not be detected on a routine physical examination. Therefore it can be useful to add an ECG, which may increase the likelihood of identifying significant conditions ... that are known to be associated with sudden cardiac death."

Despite suggesting ECGs, the AHA guideline gave them a class IIa recommendation and a C evidence level. It also recommended that the test be read by a pediatric cardiologist, and that it might need to be repeated after the onset of puberty, if symptoms develop, or if cardiac problems develop in a family member.

Shortly after the AHA recommendation came out, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) published its own guideline, which called the cardiology paper "controversial" and made clear its disagreement with the guideline.

"The AAP and its constituent groups disagree with the AHA statement as to both the classification and the level of evidence. ... Moreover, the substantial expert opinion and reasoning outlined in the AHA statement suggests that harm outweighs the benefit of recommending routine ECGs for healthy children who are starting stimulant medication for ADHD. Accordingly, the AAP would recommend against such routine ECG screening."

There’s no good evidence that sudden death occurs any more frequently among children taking the medications, AAP asserted. Therefore, a targeted cardiac personal and family history, combined with a thorough physical, is adequate not only to identify any cardiac risk factors, but to pinpoint any other health concerns that might warrant attention.

"Electrocardiography or echocardiography in this population would not otherwise be routine or recommended," according to the AAP statement.

Dr. Snyder did not disclose any relevant financial conflicts.

学科代码:心血管病学 儿科学   关键词:美国儿科学会(AAP)年会 注意力缺陷多动障碍 常规心电图检查
来源: EGMN
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