

FDA expands Abraxane approval to include advanced pancreatic cancer
来源:爱思唯尔 2013-09-13 09:25点击次数:1727发表评论



FDA药品评价与研究中心血液科和肿瘤科产品办公室主任Richard Pazdur医生在声明中说,多数胰腺癌患者在确诊时已到晚期且无法行手术治疗,“或在术后癌症发生了进展,此时采用Abraxane这类治疗方案可以帮助延长患者的生命”。





根据胰腺癌治疗的新处方信息,Abraxane(125 mg/m2)的1个疗程为28天,在每个疗程的第1、8、15天经静脉给药,随后立即序贯应用吉西他滨。根据FDA在声明中援引国家癌症研究所的估计数据,胰腺癌在美国癌症死亡原因中位列第四, 2013年预计有45,220人被诊断为胰腺癌,38,460人将死于此病。



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By: ELIZABETH MECHCATIE, Internal Medicine News Digital Network

The albumin-bound formulation of paclitaxel has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration as a first-line treatment for metastatic adenocarcinoma of the pancreas, in combination with gemcitabine, the agency announced on Sept. 6.

The expanded indication for Abraxane (paclitaxel protein-bound particles for injectable suspension, albumin-bound), a microtubule inhibitor, is based on a study that found survival and progression-free survival were a median of almost 2 months longer among those treated with Abraxane and gemcitabine, compared with those treated with gemcitabine alone, according to the FDA statement announcing the approval.

When pancreatic cancer is diagnosed in an advanced stage and is inoperable, which is often when pancreatic cancer is diagnosed, "and in situations when the cancer has progressed following surgery, options like Abraxane can help prolong a patient’s life," Dr. Richard Pazdur, director of the Office of Hematology and Oncology Products in the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, said in the statement.

The international study compared Abraxane plus gemcitabine with gemcitabine alone as a first-line treatment in 861 people with metastatic adenocarcinoma of the pancreas. Their median age was 63 years, and almost half had three or more sites of metastasis (84% had liver metastases).

Median overall survival was 8.5 months in those on the combination vs. 6.7 months among those on gemcitabine alone, a highly statistically significant difference. Median progression-free survival was 5.5 months among those on the combination vs. 3.7 months for those on gemcitabine alone, also a highly statistically significant difference. In addition, 23% of those in the combination arm had a confirmed complete or partial overall response, compared with 7% of those on gemcitabine, according to the prescribing information.

The results of the study, IMPACT (Metastatic Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Clinical Trial), have been submitted for publication, according to the Celgene statement announcing the approval, and were presented at the American Society of Clinical Oncology annual meeting this year.

Common adverse events associated with treatment with Abraxane and gemcitabine included neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, peripheral neuropathy, nausea, alopecia, peripheral edema, diarrhea, fever, vomiting, rash, and dehydration. Fever, dehydration, pneumonia, and vomiting were the most common serious adverse events. Other "clinically important" adverse events included sepsis and pneumonitis, according to the FDA.

According to the new prescribing information, for pancreatic cancer, Abraxane (125 mg/m2) is administered intravenously on days 1, 8, and 15 of each 28-day cycle, followed by gemcitabine immediately afterwards. In the United States, pancreatic cancer is the fourth-leading cause of cancer deaths, according to the FDA statement, which cites National Cancer Institute estimates that 45,220 patients will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and 38,460 will die from the disease in 2013.

Abraxane, marketed by Celgene, was approved for treating breast cancer in 2005 and non–small cell lung cancer in 2012. Gemcitabine, a nucleoside metabolic inhibitor marketed as Gemzar by Eli Lilly, was approved in 1996 and is also available in generic formulations. Gemcitabine is approved as a single agent to treat pancreatic cancer.

The revised label is available at www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2013/021660s037lbl.pdf.

学科代码:消化病学 肿瘤学 药学   关键词:Abraxane 白蛋白结合型紫杉醇 吉西他滨 转移性胰腺癌
来源: 爱思唯尔
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