

Physicians found to overuse ‘low-value’ Medicare services
来源:爱思唯尔 2014-05-26 09:04点击次数:1503发表评论

《JAMA Internal Medicine》5月12日在线发表的一份研究报告显示,临床医生可能过度使用了一些对美国的老年保健医疗制度(Medicare)受益人作用不大或没有作用的“低价值”医疗服务。



据研究者估计,全美共有25%~42%的Medicare受益人接受过低价值服务,总花费高达84亿美元,占Medicare A部分和B部分所覆盖服务年花费的2.7%(JAMA Intern. Med. 2014 [doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2014.1541])。

作为该研究的第一作者,在哈佛医学院就读MD-PhD的Aaron Schwartz在接受采访时说:“现在我们有了这一测量工具,我们可以借助该工具更好地了解过度使用发生在什么时候,我们可以做些什么来减少这种情况。”




阿肯色州Medicaid负责人William Golden博士表示,这项研究的结果并不让人意外,不仅仅是Medicare服务,医生过度使用“低价值”服务的现象其实是普遍存在的。不过新的支付策略和财政刺激政策,比如他所在州的Medicaid计划所采用的一些政策,似乎有助于改变这种实践模式并控制医疗服务的总成本。




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By: JUDY PACKER-TURSMAN, Oncology Practice Digital Network

Clinicians seem to be overusing "low-value" medical services that provide little or no benefit to Medicare beneficiaries, according to a report published online May 12 in JAMA Internal Medicine.

In the study, Harvard researchers developed 26 claims-based measures drawn from evidence-based lists of services providing minimal clinical benefit. Categories included low-value cancer screening, diagnostic and preventive testing, imaging, and surgical procedures. In all, the study tracked more than 1.3 million Medicare beneficiaries’ claims from 2009, analyzing the proportion of them receiving such services, mean-per-beneficiary service use, and the proportion of total spending devoted to the services.

Among the study’s 26 designated measures of low-value services: cervical cancer screening for women 65 years and older, computed tomography scanning of the sinuses for uncomplicated acute rhinosinusitis, head imaging for uncomplicated headache, preoperative cardiac stress testing, and back imaging for patients with nonspecific low back pain. Researchers tweaked measures by age, symptoms, and site of care, creating different levels of sensitivity for each measure (i.e., a more sensitive, less specific baseline definition, along with a less sensitive, more specific definition with additional restrictions).


Nationwide, between 25% and 42% of beneficiaries received low-value services, accounting for as much as $8.4 billion, or 2.7% of annual spending for services covered by Medicare Parts A and B, the researchers estimated (JAMA Intern. Med. 2014 [doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2014.1541]).

"Now that we have this measurement tool, we can use it to try to better understand when overuse is happening and what can be done to reduce it," Aaron Schwartz, the study’s lead author, who is in the MD-PhD program at Harvard Medical School, Boston, said in an interview.

Researchers sought to "cast a broad net" in creating a low-value medical services index that could be tracked over time and used to evaluate various reform efforts, Mr. Schwartz said. "For the vast majority of services, whether it’s ‘low value’ or ‘high value’ really depends on the patient and the clinical setting," he said. Analyzing the use of different services within various geographic areas, researchers found that even geographic areas spending less on low-value Medicare services "still spent a lot on them," he said.

Payment reforms, such as global – or bundled – payment models, could afford greater discretion to clinicians in identifying low-value services and in finding incentives to eliminate them, according to Mr. Schwartz. "Our team generally favors proposals that retain provider discretion at point of care," he said.

The study’s results are "consistent with extensive overuse in the system ... even with just 26 measures," Mr. Schwartz noted. But many claims-based measures of overuse may not be accurate enough to support targeted coverage or payment policies without resulting in unintended consequences, he cautioned.

Arkansas Medicaid Director Dr. William Golden said the Harvard study’s findings are not surprising, with physicians’ overuse of "low-value" services extending beyond Medicare. But new payment strategies and financial incentives, such as those employed by his state Medicaid program, seem to be helping to change such practice patterns and manage total cost of care, he said.

"Low-value activities are embedded throughout the routine orders of health care," Dr. Golden said in an interview. "Since Arkansas Medicaid has made health providers accountable for total cost of care and included shared savings and cost sharing, the health care community has invested the time and energy to retrain clinical reflexive behavior. Delineation of effective strategies coupled with financial incentives has promise to be a promising strategy in our state."

Mr. Schwartz reported having no conflicts of interest.


学科代码:内科学   关键词:临床医生 老年保健医疗制度 低价值 成本 改革
来源: 爱思唯尔
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