

Testosterone for ‘low T’ raises death, MI, and stroke risk
来源:爱思唯尔 2013-11-12 08:51点击次数:1845发表评论


德克萨斯大学西南医学中心的Rebecca Vigen医生介绍,原本已有和没有冠状动脉疾病的男性的风险均升高,而且不受血压或预防性药物使用等心血管危险因素差异的影响。



Vigen博士及其同事利用退伍军人管理局临床评估报告和追踪(CART)计划的数据,在一个回顾性队列中评估了睾酮治疗的潜在心血管风险。CART计划中收集了在全国76个退伍军人事务部(VA)心导管室进行的所有操作的信息。他们确定了2005~2011年在这些机构接受冠状动脉造影、医学记录显示总睾酮水平<300 ng/dl的所有男性。


在平均28个月的随访期间,发生了1,710次相关不良事件:748人死亡,443人发生MI,519人发生卒中。这些事件的绝对风险在睾酮使用者中明显更高:1年时高1.3%,2年时高3.1%,3年时高5.8%(JAMA 2013 [doi:10.1001/jama2013.280386])。






宾夕法尼亚大学内分泌、糖尿病与代谢学系的Anne R. Cappola博士指出,Vigen等人的研究结果应引起临床医生和患者的警惕,尤其是在处方量巨大和“睾酮生产商积极营销”的形势下(JAMA 2013;310:1805-6)。Cappola博士同时也是JAMA的副主编。




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By: MARY ANN MOON, Clinical Endocrinology News Digital Network

Testosterone therapy taken for "low T" raises the risk of mortality, myocardial infarction, and ischemic stroke, according to a report published online Nov. 5 in JAMA.

The risk elevation is consistent in both men who have existing coronary artery disease and men who do not, and is not affected by differences in cardiovascular risk factors such as blood pressure or by the use of preventive medications, said Dr. Rebecca Vigen of the University of Texas at Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, and her associates.

These findings, from what the investigators describe as the first observational study to suggest a causal link between testosterone therapy and adverse cardiovascular outcomes, "raise concerns about the potential safety of testosterone therapy." Randomized clinical trials are warranted to clarify this issue, they noted.

"Although physicians should continue to discuss the symptomatic benefits of testosterone therapy with patients, it is also important to inform patients that long-term risks are unknown and there is a possibility that testosterone therapy might be harmful," Dr. Vigen and her colleagues added.

Previous studies have shown that testosterone therapy improves sexual function and strength, as well as some cardiovascular risk factors such as lipid profiles and insulin resistance.

They have not detected adverse CV effects, "but these trials were generally focused on intermediate endpoints, of short duration, and not powered for clinical endpoints," the investigators wrote.

One clinical trial that included many men with CV disorders was halted early in 2010 when the group receiving testosterone was found to have an excess of CV events, compared with the placebo group.

Dr. Vigen and her associates examined the potential CV risks of testosterone therapy in a retrospective cohort study using data from the Veterans Administration’s Clinical Assessment Reporting and Tracking (CART) program, which collects information on all procedures performed in the 76 VA cardiac catheterization laboratories across the country.

They identified all men who underwent coronary angiography at these facilities in 2005-2011 (who therefore had well-characterized cardiovascular profiles) and whose medical records also showed a total testosterone level of less than 300 ng/dL.

This cohort of 8,709 men had a high burden of comorbidities: 20% had a history of MI, half had diabetes, and more than 80% had coronary artery disease. Rates of these comorbidities were approximately equal between men taking testosterone and men not taking testosterone.

A total of 1,223 of these men were taking testosterone therapy to address their low testosterone levels. Roughly 1% of them were using testosterone gel, 36% were using injections, and 63% were using patches. Men who used testosterone tended to be younger and healthier than those who did not.

During an average of 28 months of follow-up, there were 1,710 adverse events of interest: 748 men died, 443 had MIs, and 519 had strokes. The absolute risk of these events was significantly greater in testosterone users than in nonusers: 1.3% higher at 1 year, 3.1% higher at 2 years, and 5.8% higher at 3 years, the investigators said (JAMA 2013 [doi:10.1001/jama2013.280386]).

In a further, adjusted analysis of the data, testosterone use remained strongly associated with increased risk of death, MI, or stroke, with a hazard ratio of 1.29. This indicates that testosterone users were 29% more likely than were nonusers to experience these adverse outcomes.

These findings were unchanged after the data were further adjusted to account for the presence or absence of CAD and the use or nonuse of coronary revascularization procedures.

There was no significant difference in risk of adverse outcomes among the three formulations of testosterone.

The researchers noted that there are several potential mechanisms by which testosterone therapy might increase cardiovascular risk. It increases platelet aggregation, which contributes to arterial plaque formation.

It enhances monocyte activation in the endothelium, which promotes atherosclerosis and is implicated in the pathogenesis of acute coronary syndromes. And it aggravates sleep-disordered breathing, another CV risk factor, they said.

This study was supported by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. No financial conflicts of interest were reported.

View on the News
Be wary of testosterone therapy

The findings by Vigen et al. should prompt wariness among clinicians and patients alike, especially in light of the high volume of prescriptions and "aggressive marketing by testosterone manufacturers," said Dr. Anne R. Cappola.

The most important question raised by the study results may be how they can be generalized to the broader population of men taking testosterone: men of this age group who are taking testosterone for "low-T syndrome" or for antiaging purposes, and younger men taking it for physical enhancement.

"Does the 29% increased risk of myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke, or mortality apply to these groups? Are the benefits – real or perceived – for these groups of men worth any increase in risk? These populations represent a sizable group of testosterone users, and there is only anecdotal evidence that testosterone is safe for these men."

Testosterone treatment is prescribed for an estimated 3% of U.S. men over age 40 years, even as evidence indicating that it exerts adverse cardiovascular effects is accumulating. The study results warrant "both cautious testosterone prescribing and additional investigation," she said.

Dr. Anne R. Cappola is in the division of endocrinology, diabetes, and metabolism at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. She is also an associate editor of JAMA. She reported ties to Abbott Laboratories and BioSante Pharmaceuticals. These remarks were taken from her editorial accompanying Dr. Vigen’s report (JAMA 2013;310:1805-6).

学科代码:心血管病学 神经病学 泌尿外科学   关键词:睾酮治疗 心肌梗死 缺血性卒中
来源: 爱思唯尔
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