
More potency assay results for generic non-USA lots of piperacillin/tazobactam and initial reports for generic meropenem compounds marketed in the USA
2014-01-03 09:01发表评论
期刊: DIAGN MICR INFEC DIS2013年5月1期76卷


An ongoing program of international generic antimicrobial potency assays for piperacillin/tazobactam has been summarized here through December 2010, and the initial results for meropenem generic lots from the United States are also presented. Fifteen additional piperacillin/tazobactam generic lots revealed an average of −10% activity (range, +3 to −23%) compared to the branded product (Zosyn®; Wyeth-Pfizer), a finding consistent with prior reports (46 lots) of −16%. In contrast, meropenem branded and generic products had equivalent assay results (5 generic lots from 2 manufacturers [Hospira and Sandoz]). In conclusion, potencies for generic lots of parenteral broad-spectrum β-lactams can vary widely when directly compared to branded products, requiring documentation by chemical, in vitro activity (potency assays as measured here), and purity testing before considering their addition to a hospital formulary.



学科代码:呼吸病学 感染病学   关键词:美国特治星原研药;美洛培南相关原研药 ,全球精选文摘 爱思唯尔医学网, Elseviermed
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