
Anti-apoptotic effect of MicroRNA-21 after contusion spinal cord injury in rats
作者:Hu, J.-Z., Huang, J.-H., Zeng, L., Wang, G., Cao, M., Lu, H.-B.
机构: 中南大学运动医学研究中心脊柱外科
期刊: J Neurotrauma2013年8月15期30卷



Multiple cellular, molecular, and biochemical changes contribute to the etiology and treatment outcome of contusion spinal cord injury (SCI). Dysregulation of microRNAs (miRNAs) has been found following SCI in recent studies. However, little is known about the functional significance of the unique role of miRNAs in SCI. We analyzed the miRNA expression patterns 1 and 3 days following rat SCI using miRNA microarray. Microarray data revealed that nine miRNAs were upregulated and five miRNAs were downregulated 1 day post-injury, and that three miRNAs were upregulated and five miRNAs were downregulated 3 days post-injury, in the sites of contused when compared with sham rat spinal cords. Because miR-21 was one of the miRNAs being most significantly upregulated, we investigated its function. Knockdown of miR-21 by antagomir-21 led to attenuated recovery in hindlimb motor function, increased lesion size, and decreased tissue sparing in rats. Compared with the negative control group, treatment with antagomir-21 significantly increased apoptosis following SCI. Pro-apoptosis genes Fas ligand (FasL), phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN), and programmed cell death protein 4 (PDCD4) were proved to be direct targets of miR-21 in many diseases and cell types. In vivo treatment with antagomir-21 increased the expression of FasL and PTEN, but did not affect PDCD4. These results suggested that miR-21 played an important role in limiting secondary cell death following SCI, and that the protective effects of miR-21 might have been the result of its regulation on pro-apoptotic genes. Thus, miR-21 may play an important role in the pathophysiology of SCI.

通讯作者:Lu, H.-B.; Department of Sports Medicine, Research Center of Sports Medicine, Central South University, Changsha, 410008, China; email:hongbinlu@hotmail.com
学科代码:神经病学 神经外科学   关键词:Antagomir-21; Apoptosis; miRNA
来源: Scopus
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