

No Linkage Between Incretin Drugs and Pancreatitis Observed
来源:PracticeUpdate 2014-12-26 13:40点击次数:4517发表评论

Diabetes Obes Metab杂志提前在线发表的一项荟萃分析探讨了肠促胰岛素类降血糖药物与急性胰腺炎发生风险之间的关系。该分析共纳入9项研究,涉及超过130万例患者,其中有5195例患者发生过急性胰腺炎。研究者发现,肠促胰岛素类药物治疗患者发生急性胰腺炎的比值比为1.03,提示在糖尿病患者中使用肠促胰岛素类药物与急性胰腺炎发生风险之间无明显相关性。瑞典隆德大学临床代谢病研究所Bo Ahrén教授对此进行了点评。


瑞典隆德大学临床代谢病研究所Bo Ahrén教授






This study sought a connection between incretin-based therapy for diabetes with the development of acute pancreatitis.

Through a meta-analysis of nine studies, including more than 1.3 million patients and 5195 occurrences of acute pancreatitis, an odds ratio of 1.03 was calculated (95% CI), indicating no association in this population.

Expert Comment

Bo Ahrén MD

Professor in Clinical Metabolic Research at Lund University

The occurrence of acute pancreatitis is increased two- to threefold in individuals with type 2 diabetes.1 During recent years, it has been heavily discussed whether incretin-based therapy (GLP-1 receptor agonists and DPP-4 inhibitors) further increases this risk. In 2013 this discussion was accentuated by a single small study on morphology of pancreata.2 However, this study was heavily criticized for scientific weakness.3-5 Furthermore, a large body of clinical data emerging in 2013 and 2014 has shown that there is no statistical association between incretin therapy and occurrence of acute pancreatitis. Therefore, the data today suggest that any association between incretin-based therapy and acute pancreatitis is so weak that it is impossible to detect in practice.

This absence of association between incretin-based therapy and acute pancreatitis has been demonstrated in meta-analyses of studies on DPP-4 inhibitors and GLP-1 receptor agonists,6,7 in 2 large cardiovascular outcomes studies with incretin therapy,8,9 and in a pooled analysis of 23 studies with DPP-4 inhibitors and 38 studies with GLP-1 receptor agonists with more than 30,000 patients.10

Very recently, further reassuring data were disclosed in a study reporting data from observational “real-world” studies comprising more than 1.3 million patients (>200,000 were treated with incretin therapy).11 In these studies, >5000 cases of acute pancreatitis developed, which assured a more accurate estimation than in previous studies. The estimate odds ratio for association between these cases and incretin therapy was 1.03 (95% CI, 0.87–1.20); that is, no significant association.

With all these data, we can now firmly conclude that there is no obvious increased risk for acute pancreatitis when treating patients with incretin therapy. These reassuring data are important for us when discussing with patients and when initiating and evaluating therapy. Still, an extremely rare association could exist, and therefore it is important to continue to evaluate this adverse event in observational studies and in the upcoming disclosures of cardiovascular outcomes studies. It is also wise to avoid initiating incretin therapy in patients with previous history of acute pancreatitis, provided that it has been properly diagnosed. 

Diabetes, Obesity & Metabolism

Using Real-World Data to Evaluate the Association of Incretin-Based Therapies With Risk of Acute Pancreatitis: A Meta-Analysis of 1 324 515 Patients From Observational Studies

Diabetes Obes Metab 2015 Jan 01;17(1)32-41, T Wang, F Wang, Z Gou, H Tang, C Li, L Shi, S Zhai

From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.

This abstract is available on the publisher's site.

Access this abstract now

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


学科代码:消化病学   关键词:肠促胰岛素类药物;胰腺炎;
来源: PracticeUpdate
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