
Dry eye disease, dry eye symptoms and depression: The Beijing eye study
作者:Labbé, A. | Wang, Y.X. | Jie, Y. | Baudouin, C. | Jonas, J.B. | Xu, L.
机构: 首都医科大学北京同仁医院北京市眼科研究所,中国北京崇文门后沟胡同17号,邮编100005
期刊: Br J Ophthalmol2013年11月11期97卷



Aim: To investigate the association between dry eye symptoms and depression in an adult population. Methods: In this population-based cross-sectional study, a random sample of 1957 subjects from the Beijing Eye Study was examined for dry eye disease (DED) in 2006. All patients completed an interview-erassisted questionnaire on dry eye symptoms and underwent measurement of tear break-up time (TBUT), slit-lamp evaluation of corneal staining and meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD), and the Schirmer test. In 2011, 1456 subjects from this sample were evaluated for depression using a depression scale. The association between depression symptoms and dry eye clinical tests was evaluated. Results: Definite depression was more prevalent in patients with DED than in subjects without DED (13.7±0.4% vs 8.6±0.3%, p=0.02). The depression score was correlated with dry eye symptoms (correlation coefficient r=0.07; p=0.013) but not with TBUT ( p=0.18), the Schirmer test (p=0.37), corneal staining (p=0.30) and MGD evaluation ( p=0.93). In multivariate regression analysis, the risk of definite depression remained significantly associated with dry eye symptoms (p=0.028) after adjusting for lower cognitive status ( p=0.01), rural region of habitation (p=0.023) and lower body weight ( p=0.05). Conclusions: In an older population from Beijing, depression was associated with DED and in particular with dry eye symptoms.


通讯作者:Xu, L.; Beijing Institute of Ophthalmology, Beijing Tongren Hospital, Capital Medical University, 17 Hougou Lane, Chong Wen Men, Beijing 100005, China; email:xlbio1@163.com
学科代码:眼科学   关键词:Dry eye disease; dry eye sympt
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