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A Randomized Study Comparing Corticosteroid Injection to Corticosteroid Iontophoresis for Lateral Epicondylitis
2012-06-15 17:44点击:12次发表评论
作者:Stefanou, A..., Marshall, N..., Holdan, W... 【View at publisher】 【全球专家评论】
期刊: J Hand Surg2012年1月期卷 专家评级: 循证评级:B

Purpose:We designed a prospective, randomized study to evaluate the effects of iontophoresis delivery of dexamethasone versus corticosteroid injection therapy on patient outcomes.  Methods:We randomized 82 patients to 10mg dexamethasone via iontophoresis using a self-contained patch with a 24-hour battery; 10mg dexamethasone injection; or 10mg triamcinolone injection. All patients received the same hand therapy protocol. Primary outcomes tracked were change in grip strength (flexion vs extension), pain, and function scores on a validated questionnaire. The secondary outcome was return-to-work status. Patients were evaluated at baseline, completion of physical therapy, and 6-month follow-up.  Results:The iontophoresis patients had statistically significant improvement in grip strength at the conclusion of hand therapy compared with baseline. They were also more likely to get back to work without restriction. By 6-month follow-up, all groups had equivalent results for all measured outcomes.  Conclusion:Dexamethasone via iontophoresis produced short-term benefits because for this group grip strength and unrestricted return to work were significantly better. This study suggests that this iontophoresis technique for delivery of corticosteroid may be considered a treatment option for patients with lateral epicondylitis.  Types of Study/Level of Evidence:Therapeutic II.

学科代码:外科学   关键词:肱骨外上髁炎
来源: Eclips
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